Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

The Race to Addiction Recovery: Ready, Set, Go!

If you have ever been part of a race, then you know the tension of the starting line. Everyone is waiting for the starters pistol to fire and the shorter the race, the greater the tension. If it is a marathon, everyone is standing around having a good time and…

Blog Post

The Inevitable Disappointment of Overgrown Desires

In a previous Covenant Eyes post on “Will a Better Sex Life Keep Porn at Bay?” I made the statement: “When we are willing to sin in order to get something, it has become too important. When something is too important, it cannot satisfy. In order for sex to be…

Blog Post

Dr. Phil on Porn

I recently read a brief article by Dr. Phil called “Is Internet Porn Cheating?” I’ve reprinted the article in full below: It is not OK behavior. It is a perverse and ridiculous intrusion into your relationship. It is an insult, it is disloyal and it is cheating. Consider how it…

Blog Post

Internet Porn, Magic Rings, and the Secret of Obedience

The Internet is a marvelous invention that has many incredible benefits . . . and unfortunately many pitfalls. Web surfers can hide behind their computer screens and interact with the world in ways they would never think to do in real life. This feeling of invincibility has led to numerous…

Blog Post

What Our Culture Truly Needs

How greatly today’s world needs God’s mercy! Have you heard it said that when sin is present, grace is present all the more? Scripture refers to this in Romans 5:20 when Paul states, “Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more.” This has been a hopeful message for every generation, including…

Support Article

Covenant Eyes for Linux

Recently we received a comment from a Linux user who wanted to know why we have not developed Covenant Eyes accountability software for Linux operating systems. I’ve pasted my full message to him below. I would love to hear feedback about this, especially from any Linux users who would care…

Blog Post

5 Often Neglected Ways to Defeat Porn

Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees. You have tried to stop using porn, what…1,000 times? Maybe this new book, latest seminar, next program, men’s retreat, or alter call will make the difference. We all know the long list of failures that may have brought a short respite…

Blog Post

Revitalizing Diocesan and Parish Ministry With Safe Haven Sunday

Addressing hard topics is key to fruitful diocesan and parish ministry. After the Gospel reading, I sat down in my pew and asked the Holy Spirit to open me up to what the priest was about to preach. He prayed a vulnerable prayer before he started his homily, asking God…