Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

10 Ways to Help Your Spouse Heal after Sexual Betrayal

If you are the one who has wounded your spouse with your sexual acting out and you’ve read beyond the title of this article, I’ll assume you have at least some level of interest in helping her heal. There is a fast-growing number of women struggling with pornography and sexually…

Blog Post

Accountability Groups: How They Succeed, Fail, & Simple Steps to Start

Accountability and accountability groups have been buzzwords for a while. But it’s for good reason. When done right, accountability can have some amazing results and help you achieve your goals. Looking to lose weight? Accountability can help. Need to improve your work productivity? Greater accountability can keep you on track before…

Blog Post

Accounting for Porn: Perspectives on Willpower 4

What is worth more to you: looking at porn or not looking at porn? Think about your decisions like an accountant would. When you face the choice to look at porn or not look at porn, you are—consciously or subconsciously—making a calculation about what is most worthwhile. This is an…

Blog Post

How to Overcome the Flesh

Most people who are parents, or have had parents, can relate to a scenario like this: A child is watching, doing or listening to something objectionable, and the parents either catch them or realize the thing or activity isn’t wholesome. What happens? The typical response is usually a strong “Don’t do…

Blog Post

Why James 5 Is More Than a Proof-Text for Accountability

At Covenant Eyes, we look to James 5:16 as one of the key biblical passages about accountability. Here it is: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed.” But what does this verse tell us about accountability? If we look…

Blog Post

How We Talk About Porn Matters

We all know that statistics can be used to tell just about any story you want. One of the reasons we learn to be discerning about polls and surveys is that the answers people give depend on how the question is asked. A brand new national survey* of 2,518 people…

Blog Post

What to Do After Your Child Sees Porn

Recently, a mom approached me and said, “Father Kilcawley, I spent some time this afternoon on the phone with Covenant Eyes getting my family set up.” I was overjoyed to hear that they had finally taken this step to protect their family and tried to affirm them in their desire to…

Blog Post

Bringing Rape Culture to Light

How the Cultural Treatment of Women Impacts the Acceptability of Sexual Violence Have you heard the one about the comedian who joked about his audience getting gang-raped? In July 2012, two young women attended an event at a comedy club where Daniel Tosh, known for his “envelope-pushing” humor, was performing.…