Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Why Thanksgiving and Porn Do Not Mix

“Porn is only consumed by thankless people.” Dr. Heath Lambert isn’t coddling readers in his book Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace. While the quote from his book might sound like a tough rebuke, this counselor and professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary firmly roots his…

Blog Post

3 Ways to Use Your Covenant Eyes Report More Effectively

Covenant Eyes Screen Accountability is a powerful tool for quitting porn, nurturing significant relationships, or simply encouraging and maintaining healthy digital habits. But how exactly can you use the Covenant Eyes reports for the greatest impact? If you are an accountability Ally, what can you do with the Covenant Eyes…

Blog Post

Siren Song: Overcoming Pornography Temptations

In Greek mythology they are called the Sirens, mythical seductresses of the sea. These creatures of great beauty sit in the flowery meadow on small, rocky islands in the Mediterranean. The Sirens are divine beings with the wings of birds and voices that can enchant any sailor. Ancient sources describe…

Blog Post

Fake News: Porn Is a Good Friend During Isolation

Right now, because of COVID-19, the majority of the population is stuck at home. For individuals who are single, that results in profound isolation. Even for married individuals with a family, the effects of isolation from this season are significant. Increases in life challenges produce a corresponding intensity of temptation.…

Blog Post

Why I’ve Never Placed My Wife as Number One

I’ve never placed my wife as number one in our relationship. For the first 20 years of our marriage I had completely selfish reasons for not putting her first. For the last 13 years of our marriage she’s still not number one, but now for the right reason. Before you think I’ve lost…

Blog Post

Bake Sales, Sex Trafficking, and Pornography

It was a typical Friday morning walking into the Covenant Eyes‘ world headquarters offices. I needed my usual caffeine fix, so I headed to the break room to grab a cup of coffee (the Christian’s drug of choice). Only this time, things were different: I was greeted by three bright-eyed teenage…

Blog Post

6 Ways Youth Leaders Can Help Their Students Overcome Porn

That moment when one of your students tells you about their struggle with pornography…it is a vulnerable and agonizing moment. It’s also a holy one. Any moment of true confession is a holy one. Praise God for it. First Things First Here are three things you want to communicate right…


Day 1: Meet Brandon and Tonia

Day 1: Meet Brandon and Tonia Welcome to the first day of Restored Vows. We hope and pray that this is another step towards restoration in your marriage. This is a two-week challenge. It’s designed to help get you thinking deeply about your past and how that impacts current porn…

Last Updated: March 27, 2024