Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

4 Reasons Modesty Empowers Women (And Porn Does Not)

The wall was plastered with images of scantily clad women. With this as the backdrop, he stood up and said, “When you feel comfortable in your own skin, come back and see me.” Extending his hand for a handshake, she reached out while trying to conceal her disgust. This was…

Blog Post

Changing Porn Culture Begins With Me

Assuming that you are convicted by the mounting statistical evidence and stories of heartbreak involving pornography, then you now play a part in making a difference. This is what is called “the burden of knowledge”—in knowing, I am now responsible to act. It’s easy to sit back and criticize governments…

Blog Post

10 Ways to Pluck Out Your Eye to Avoid Porn

If you are a Christian man who struggles with porn, you’re likely familiar with Jesus’ command to “pluck out your right eye and cast it away” if it causes you to lust after women. But how are you supposed to do this, exactly? After all, you face more visual temptations,…

Blog Post

Porn and Adultery – A Woman’s Perspective

The following is a testimony from Sarah Markley. To read her complete story visit her website. . . . . Six years ago my life ended . . . or rather, began. Early in January of 2004 I confessed to an affair, both emotional and physical, that I’d been engaging…

Blog Post

Porn: The Drug that Shrinks the Soul

Over 50% of evangelical pastors admitted to viewing porn last year. More than 70% of men from the age of 18 to 34 visit a pornography site each month. Nine out of ten children from the ages of 8 to 16 have viewed porn on the Internet. (Stats from Safe…

Blog Post

My Flesh Is Weak, but My Faith Is Strong (Scholarship Essay)

The essay below was written by one of our 2019 Covenant Eyes scholarship winners: In 2-3 paragraphs, please explain how you use Covenant Eyes, and how it has impacted your life. Pornography entered my life at the unfortunate age of 11. I do not remember exactly how or why I…

Blog Post

Where do you find encouragement on the journey away from porn?

“I messed up again.” As an ally for many friends, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that phrase! So what’s the biblical way to encourage someone? More specifically, how do you encourage someone who is battling a sin struggle with pornography? Earlier this year, we looked at…