Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Pornography and Sex Trafficking: A Discussion With Dawn Hawkins

Who is affected by sex trafficking? When we think about sex trafficking—if we do at all—it’s usually as something that happens to “other people.” You might read about sex trafficking in the news, but it usually takes place in some distant location. Dawn Hawkins warns that sex trafficking occurs much…

Blog Post

5 Accountability Questions I Wish My Ally Would Ask Me

I don’t like the word “accountability partner” any more than I like the word “diet,” and I dislike them both for the same reason. They sound like an exception and a punishment rather than a lifestyle and a gift. No one is going to live on a diet or in…

Blog Post

Slender Man and Other Big Fat Digital Dangers Headed For Your Young Children

Dumbfounded. That’s the common reaction to the recent news story of the Slender Man stabbings. Like many, you’d probably never heard of the fictional paranormal character who is linked to influencing two 12-year-old girls to allegedly stab (with the intent to kill) another girl 19 times in a nearby woods.…

Blog Post

5 Secrets to Walking in the Spirit

The following is adapted from Your Brain on Porn, a free ebook available from Covenant Eyes. The Bible does not describe us merely as wayward, broken, or needing a moral boost but as those who are dead in sin (Ephesians 2:1). Dead men and women do not just need recovery;…

Blog Post

Open Your Eyes: Porn Is Directly Correlated to Sexual Exploitation

“It’s the greatest cancer in the churchؙ—it’s too late to say, ‘Well, give it time and let’s pray about it.’” -Chuck Swindoll Over the last three years of working with individuals across the country, one thing has become very clear to me: pornography is impacting our culture in profound ways.…

Blog Post

Pride comes before the fall: Why we easily give into temptation

It has been called a “restraint bias”: people underestimate the strength of their urges in the face of temptation, and this leads to impulsive behavior. A new study from the Kellogg School of Management, led by Loran Nordgren, examined how one’s belief in his/her ability to control impulses (greed, drug…

Blog Post

Quitting Porn Cold Turkey

So, you’ve decided that you need to get porn out of your life. Is it smart to quit cold turkey? If you’re just trying to power through the impulse to look at porn until it goes away, it’s not going to work. You can’t white-knuckle your way out of a…

Blog Post

Why kids are unprotected, and 3 steps to turn the tide

“I wish I had met you a year ago. That was before the FBI knocked on my door.” That’s how a dad introduced himself to me in upstate New York, where I was teaching dads how to keep their families safe online at a Christian men’s conference. He was dressed…