Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

How to Keep Your Kids Safe (And Sane) Amidst the Chaos of COVID-19

As a parent to a very energetic 9-year-old, you can imagine my facial expressions when I found out that schools across the United States were being canceled for at least three weeks due to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). First, my mouth dropped open in shock. Then, I started to…

Blog Post

Careful Burden-Bearing: Instructions for Allies

Being an ally means stepping into the messiness of someone’s life. It means speaking the truth in love. It means just being there, loving them, and caring for them. You’re not the savior. You can’t control their behavior. But you must be willing to get down in the slimy pit…

Blog Post

Deceptively Effective: What Our Screen-Saturated World Is Doing to You

What happens when you use technology without intention? Author, speaker, and Covenant Eyes software developer Doug Smith tackles that question in a recent episode of the Covenant Eyes podcast. As a software developer, Doug spent time creating marketing technology for Fortune 500 companies. He saw firsthand how technology was being…

Blog Post

The Growl of an Empty Stomach

Although this is written in the first person as a man, it applies identically to both genders.  Trying to include male and female pronouns got to be too cumbersome! Ladies, please read and translate as needed. Do you ever go grocery shopping when you’re hungry? What typically happens is you…

Blog Post

Meet Daphne Khoury – Proclaiming Hope to the Porn Stars

Erotica LA is one of the largest porn conventions in the world. Next week the who’s who of the adult industry will gather in Los Angeles to set up displays, talk about their films, and receive awards. Not a likely place to find a missionary. But that’s where Daphne Khoury…

Blog Post

What to Do if My Child Is Looking at Porn: 5 Critical Steps

“In the last days, perilous times will come….” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Our children are growing up in a dangerous world, and as parents we cannot always protect them! Pornography is rampant and children are exposed at earlier and earlier ages. Satan can use an “accidental find” to hook an innocent…

Blog Post

Confessing Porn with Father Mike

I had the chance to talk with a Catholic priest friend of mine about the issue of pornography and ask if, by his observations, this problem has worsened in his 13 years of ministry.  So, Fr. Mike.  How long have you been a priest?  I was ordained back in 2003. With…

Blog Post

Why You Should Give Up Porn This Lent

The famous Lenten 40 days are just a couple of days away. It’s a time of repentance, fasting, and preparation leading up to Easter. Let’s be honest, do you know what spiritual observance you’ll be doing this Lent? To be truthful, I’m not quite sure either. Well, sort of. I…

Blog Post

Internet Safety 101 Wins Emmy Award

Congratulations to our friends at Enough is Enough® for winning their recent Emmy Award for their critically acclaimed Internet Safety 101® program. What started as an instructional DVD about Internet safety to train parents was reformatted into three one-hour PBS programs. The Emmy Award was for the category Information/Instruction. If you have…