Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

5 Tips for Being an Effective and Caring Ally

Being an ally isn’t easy. We sign up to be allies because we want to support our friend in their battle with porn. They trusted us enough to reach out for help, after all, and we want to make sure we aren’t letting them down.  Still, as much as we…

Blog Post

Your Sexual Purity Isn’t Just About You

There is a direct connection between your sexual behavior and your destiny in Christ. God has designed you and me to do amazing things for His kingdom, and our level of sexual purity will determine how useful we are. Sex and destiny are linked. This is why the devil works…

Blog Post

How To (Biblically) Lament Your Husband’s Pornography Use

After I found out that my husband had been viewing pornography, I was devastated. As I processed my grief, one of my dearest friends posed this question to me: “What did you lose when your husband looked at porn?” This is an important question. Your answers will be unique to…

Blog Post

6 Ways to Protect Your Kids on YouTube is a force to be reckoned with in the digital world. Undoubtedly, it is the No. 1 video-sharing website, with 2 billion videos viewed every day around the globe. YouTube lives up to its name, enabling everyday Internet users to create their own “channel” online, a place to showcase…

Blog Post

Getting Honest About Our Struggle with Porn

Working for Covenant Eyes I’m often asked what accountability looks like. When someone has struggled with pornography, how does accountability software and having a good accountability partner help? No matter the level of your struggle with porn (whether it be tempted, dabbling, or entrenched in habitual viewing), the beginning of…

Blog Post

Five Ways to Be a Better Ally

Every morning, I wake up to a couple dozen new emails. Most of them are my daily reports on the 25 men who have asked me to be their “ally” for Covenant Eyes. I ask every man who goes through my 90-day recovery process to sign up for Covenant Eyes,…

Blog Post

Teaching Your Kids to Make a Covenant With Their Eyes

She sat across from her 14-year-old son, John, asking him what she knew was an uncomfortable question. “Have you been looking at pornography?” His face reddened. Hers turned an ashen white as he admitted to frequent visits to porn sites in the last year. Mixed and complicated feelings seemed to…