Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Porn Must Be an Ongoing Conversation with Your Kids

“I first saw pornography at age 12 when I got a smart phone. I knew it was against God but I still viewed it when I was alone and didn’t let my parents know. My parents never addressed pornography directly, which is why I didn’t know how to stop myself.…

Blog Post

Learning To Feel Like a Whole Person

I was 12 years old when I first started looking at porn. I don’t remember the first time, but it started with just random magazines and Pinterest art. I didn’t know why I liked looking at it, and I wasn’t sure that it was okay, but it made me feel…

Blog Post

Accountability and Our Kids: Getting It Right

Parents are more aware than ever about the need for accountability with our kids. Thanks to the efforts of Covenant Eyes and others, we have more powerful tools to help us in those efforts. However, in our concern for our children, we can inadvertently do things that actually hinder a…

Blog Post

Intimacy Outside of the Garden

There is a rift between the sexes and genders; we see it all around us. We struggle against each other for power, long for significance, carefully conceal our most vulnerable parts, and weep for naked connection in the deepest corners of our psyches and souls. We feel afraid, we feel…

Blog Post

3 Truths That Ruined Porn for Me

I stood there with two glasses of water filled to the brim. I looked at the young man who was grinning from ear to ear. He didn’t know what I was going to do, but he knew it was going to be something good. I pulled out a $20 bill…

Blog Post

“Nerve” and the Realities Teens Face Online

Proverbs 16:33 says the cast lot is from the Lord… and sometimes, the cast lot lands you with suddenly-canceled evening plans and six passes to a sneak peek of a movie. So it was that I found myself at a special preview of Nerve.* Loosely billed as a sci-fi thriller, it…

Blog Post

How Much Will You Let Pornography Rob From You?”

If you are the wife of a (hopefully recovering) pornography addict, I have a heart-felt message I want to share with you. But first, I want you to pray that God would open your heart and mind in such a way that you’d be able to fully receive it with…

Blog Post

Will a Better Sex Life Keep Porn at Bay?

Whose side am I going to take? The defeated husband who feels like his unresponsive wife is hanging him out to dry with his temptation or the betrayed wife who feels like she’s being blamed for her husband’s sinful choices? The single person who “knows” sexual temptation will be less…