Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Equipping Allies in the Fight Against Porn

I was a newly minted Bible school graduate and had already spent several years on the Covenant Eyes’ Member Care team. I was ready and equipped to help—especially with porn.     Then the cry for help came unexpectedly from my friend David.   “I… I wanted to talk to you about something… I’ve been struggling…

Blog Post

5 Signs Your Son or Daughter Might Be Struggling With Porn

Hindsight is always 20/20. In so many areas of life, when we look back on things that have happened we ask, “Why didn’t I see the signs? I should have seen this coming.” In a society that increasingly encourages hands-off parenting, it is difficult to know if the reactions of…

Blog Post

U.S. Bishops Request Immediate Federal Action Against the Porn Industry

It is no secret that with social distancing and isolation comes increased loneliness. This can bring about abnormal behaviors and increase temptations to consume pornography and engage in sexual activities. Even those who have overcome these activities many years ago find themselves struggling again. This “new normal” is certainly impacting…

Blog Post

How Porn is Ruining Our Future…and What We Can Do About It

In the recent summer blockbuster The Avengers, the character Captain America has been recently awoken from a 70-year sleep. Throughout the film is a running gag about how out-of-touch he is with modern life; he doesn’t understand a reference to Pilates, and he still believes in quaint things like heroic…

Blog Post

Why “Adult” Entertainment Makes You More Juvenile

Two hundred years ago in the U.K., if you said you were going to a “gentleman’s club,” it was understood you were going to a private upper-class establishment where you could relax, read, play parlor games, get a meal, and gossip with others of your class. Today, in the U.S.,…

Blog Post

The Danger of Just Watching and the Power of Being Seen

Something happened to me when I started watching porn. I didn’t notice the change right away, but my wife could sense that something odd was going on.  There was an unfamiliar look in my eyes, and I was starting to drift away from her emotionally. Allie and I had always…

Blog Post

10 Ways to Fight Temptation

James 1:14-15 clearly outlines the process of temptation, “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” In this passage, we find six stages of the…

Blog Post

Pornography in the Military

A recent bill in Congress would prohibit the sale of pornography on military bases. The “Military Honor and Decency Act” would close a loophole in current law that allows the sale or rental of sexually explicit material on military bases at home and around the world. This bill was introduced…

Blog Post

Hey Google, Thanks For Reinstating Covenant Eyes to the Play Store!

From September 21, 2022 to March 1, 2023, Google had suspended the Covenant Eyes Android Sensor app from their Play Store. We are grateful to be reinstated so that we can continue to serve our Android customers through the world’s largest Android app store. We’ve updated this article to remember…

Blog Post

Would you give your kid a stack of porn magazines?

Below is a video of Randy Alcorn, author of The Purity Principle, speaking to parents about how they should think about computers in their homes. Randy hits the nail on the head with this one. What he said is worth repeating: “If you have a junior high boy who has…access…