Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

Godly Self-Care: Crash the Crash

After the traumatic discovery of your partner’s sex addiction, you are likely to become consumed with your significant other. You suddenly feel very unsafe and feel like you don’t know this person with whom you have been sharing your life. You may become an excellent detective as you desperately seek…

Blog Post

Why Church Governance Must Improve (and How to Start the Process)

The recent news of abuses perpetrated by pastors and priests against children and women, and subsequent cover-ups and lack of accountable oversight, are a crushing blow to the church governance. With church attendance in rapid decline and skepticism in religious institutions increasing, recent revelations about the behavior of church leadership…

Blog Post

Accountability for Teens: 5 Things to Do if They Push Back

We talk to a lot of parents who want to protect their children from pornography. But what should you do when your teenagers push back when you suggest accountability software? We received an email recently from a parent with two teenagers who object to putting Covenant Eyes Screen Accountability™ on…

Blog Post

Why Did Google Remove Covenant Eyes From the App Store?

On September 21, 2022, Google removed the Covenant Eyes Android app from the Play Store. On March 1, 2023, our app was reinstated to Google Play. Since then, many people have asked “Why,” and some widely read publications have speculated about the reasons. Since we know the real story, we…

Blog Post

Calling Out Shame’s Lies and Finding Freedom

Shame is a complex issue. It impacts our thinking, our behaviors, and our relationships. It plays a significant role in addiction and compulsive behaviors with pornography, alcohol, drugs, depression, anxiety, ongoing anger, and other unwanted behavior in our lives. Shame lies to us about our identity, who we are as…

Blog Post

Online Dangers: Protecting Marriages from Pornography

Earlier this month I was interviewed by Ryan Dobson on Family Talk Radio, giving advice for spouses of those who are entrenched in pornography. You can listen to part 1 and part 2 of the interview. Be sure to pick a free digital copy of Hope After Porn: 4 women share…

Blog Post

Porn Was Defeated on the Cross: Eric’s Freedom Story

Pornography changed my life forever. My name is Eric Doerneman, and I’m a Dragon Rider. Let me explain. I was exposed to pornography at an early age. Growing up at home, we had the internet with no filters. On top of that, my parents knew that I was a good…

Blog Post

Pornhub and Sex Trafficking: Do You Know the Facts?

We typically think of sex trafficking as something that happens far away in developing countries, but it’s happening right in our backyard. It’s happening on our computer screens, and a big culprit is the mainstream pornography distributor Pornhub. Let’s take a look at the connection between Pornhub and sex trafficking…

Blog Post

5 Commandments of Adolescent Internet Safety

The Internet is both a blessing and a curse. It brings so much of the world immediately to your fingertips. But unfortunately it brings both the best and the worst the world has to offer. This is especially true for today’s adolescent. Internet safety is something every parent should teach…


Womens Resources

Expert info, advice, and tips for women on overcoming porn Porn is not just a guys’ issue Featured Content Video series for women, by women A sisterhood of leaders, storytellers, and counselors share their stories and uncover the gentle paths of understanding, growth, and healing. New Fruit: A Woman’s Guide to Porn…

Last Updated: September 24, 2021