Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

The Mortification of Sin (Part 9 of 15)

It’s enough to drive a man crazy It’ll break a man’s faith It’s enough to make him wonder If he’s been sane When he’s bleating for comfort From Thy staff and Thy rod And the heavens’ only answer Is the silence of God – Andrew Peterson – Have you ever…

Blog Post

Porn U: Protecting Purity at College

A Guide for Christian Parents and School Administrators When it comes to porn at college, we’ve come a long ways since the days of Animal House. Thirty years ago, frat boys had to settle for pinup girls and Penthouse. But today, the Internet brings pornography free of charge into virtually…

Blog Post

Be A Part of Something Bigger: Become a Covenant Eyes Ambassador

Staying safe online—it’s a topic that many deem “too personal” and are uncomfortable talking about with others. Many people may associate Covenant Eyes with a personal problem with porn. In reality, though, having Covenant Eyes does not mean you have a problem, it means you have a solution. Protecting ourselves…

Blog Post

The Sexualizing of America: How porn impacts culture

The following is an excerpt from the Convergence Summit, sponsored by pureHOPE and the Religions Alliance Against Pornography (RAAP). Commissioner Israel Gaither of the Salvation Army is recognized for his global leadership. He has an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Asbury College and an honorary Doctor of  Divinity from Taylor University. The San…

Blog Post

A Summit to End Sexual Exploitation

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) works tirelessly so we might realize, “a world where the pornified vision of reality—with its utilitarian and insatiable consumption of human beings for selfish sexual pleasure, its raw, brutal, debasing, violent and hate-filled themes—becomes unacceptable to all people with concern and respect for the…

Blog Post

What It’s Like to Live Porn-Free

My friend Sam fell into a bad crowd during high school and sadly I saw him transform from a bubbly, happy kid to a constantly doped-up, intellectually deadened player. I thought the Sam I knew was gone forever. A few years later, after hitting rock bottom and experiencing a massive…

Blog Post

Porn Is a Perfect Teacher (Teaching a Deadly Lie)

Sex is God’s idea. Sex is not only a good thing, but an act deliberately willed by God in order to help unify man and woman. Our brain’s wiring reinforces this bonding by unleashing a powerful wave of chemicals during sexual arousal intended to bond us with our spouse (our…

Blog Post

Porn and Sex Trafficking: Is There a Connection?

Is there a connection between porn and sex trafficking? We know sex trafficking is a horrifying injustice that affects millions of women and children around the world. Most of us feel shock and outrage when we hear about it. Pornography, on the other hand, passes as “adult entertainment.” While we…

Blog Post

Joshua’s Story: Victory in Jesus

Ever since my first encounter with pornographic images when I was 13, I had been struggling with porn for more than 20 years. I thought marriage would help me solve the problem, but it didn’t. Many years viewing of porn videos had caused me to objectify women and had also…