Search Results for: porn addicts

Blog Post

More Than Porn: Accountability in the Grey Areas

Internet pornography is the tip of a very large iceberg. But lurking beneath the water line, there are Internet temptations that don’t get the same press pornography gets. Yet they are just as scandalous and wage a silent war on our souls. Free from Porn but Not from Lust Brian…

Blog Post

How Big is the Pornography Industry in the United States?

by Sam Spencer Determining the size of the United States pornography industry is no simple task. A perfect picture of how large the pornography industry is would require accurate revenue reports from every entity which produces and distributes pornography. Unfortunately, this specific information is not readily available. Instead, we must…

Blog Post

Husband Porn Problems: Should I keep spying on him?

At the beginning of the month we got a comment from April, a concerned wife. Since being married, she’s found proof of his porn use a number of times. We asked Jason Martinkus, the President of Redemptive Living, to respond.  April writes: My latest struggle, though, is the constant searching. When I get…

Blog Post

Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing Book Review

“How did I get here?” It’s a common refrain for most people, but it slices to the heart of the man or woman struggling with porn and unwanted sexual behaviors. Too often the question is rhetorical or focused on the trigger that led to acting out. In Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness…

Blog Post

Finding the Willpower to Defeat Porn: Part 3

You are tired of the battle. You are tired of fighting against temptation and losing. For every step forward you take, you take two steps back. You assess your options at this point. You can give up and binge on your addiction. You know this will only make matters worse,…


Day 1: How It’s Different Today

Day 1: How It’s Different Today Leer en Español As parents, we care deeply about our children. We want them to thrive in school and grow up healthy, strong, and smart. But we’re also often overly optimistic about our kids being “good kids” who would never seek out porn. The…

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

Blog Post

Tips to Level up Your Willpower From a World-Renowned Psychologist

Dr. Roy Baumeister has been acclaimed as one of the world’s leading psychologists. He authored the bestselling Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, which offers a compelling explanation of how our willpower works. Dr. Baumeister also reveals some powerful secrets to level up your willpower over the temptation to look…

Blog Post

Fighting Sexual Sin with Joy in the Lord

Joy may not be the first thought you think of when it comes to sexual sin. In my experience with working with those addicted to pornography, they often experience a lot of guilt and shame, not joy and freedom. When I talk about joy, I’m talking about joy in the…

Blog Post

All I Want for Christmas Is a Porn-Free Husband

One of the greatest gifts in my marriage is that it is free of porn. It sounds like an impossible feat in today’s culture, yet I want to give you hope that a porn-free marriage is both attainable and beautiful.  If your only wish this Christmas is for a porn-free…

Blog Post

5 Tips to Help Kids Be Honest About Porn

Expecting honesty from our kids about their exposure to pornography is a tall order when we’re asking them to divulge information that would be painful or embarrassing to admit to a parent. But to help our kids know how to combat the allure of pornography, we need to know what…