Search Results for: trafficking

Blog Post

Restoring the Years [Workbook Review]

I recently spoke to a friend whose husband was admitted into long-term treatment for sexual addiction. I knew she had been in therapy herself, and I asked her how it was going. She said it was going well, but it had been a long, hard road. And, she added, I…

Blog Post

Pornography Damaged My View of Sex: Jessica Harris’ Story

“You need to stop viewing your past with pornography as addiction and sin and start viewing it as trauma and abuse.” I sat in a chair across from my counselor, weeks away from my wedding, struggling with guilt and anxiety over my years of pornography addiction. Though my struggle had…

Blog Post

3-Decade-Old Porn Experiment Reveals Why We’re All Messed Up

One of the big problems with doing research about the effect of video pornography on people is it’s hard to find a control group. Not too long ago a researcher from the University of Montreal wanted to study the effect of pornography on men, but he said when he was…

Blog Post

Where to Find the Greatest Source of Comfort

For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life.  Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves…

Blog Post

My War With Pornography

My war with pornography started when I was in junior high. It snuck into my world through a school project. Once I got a taste of it, my curiosity ignited and I explored my discovery. Curiosity turned into pleasure, then addiction. I quickly found myself going further than I ever…

Blog Post

Accidental “Porn Star” Speaks Up About Porn’s Destructive Power

What’s it like to be a porn star? A life of fame, love, and money?  Serena Fleites tells a different story. Her life was nearly destroyed when a video of her was posted on Pornhub without her consent. Serena testified before a Canadian parliament’s ethics committee regarding her experience and…

Blog Post

Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn-Free (Book Review)

“The good news is that we can say to ourselves, ‘I don’t need to use porn, because God is bigger and better'”(p.65). That is the perspective of Tim Chester in Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn-Free. If you know this struggle only too well, Chester will either give you…

Blog Post

Porn Is a Perfect Teacher (Teaching a Deadly Lie)

Sex is God’s idea. Sex is not only a good thing, but an act deliberately willed by God in order to help unify man and woman. Our brain’s wiring reinforces this bonding by unleashing a powerful wave of chemicals during sexual arousal intended to bond us with our spouse (our…