Search Results for: trafficking

Blog Post

Big Fat Lie: Porn Empowers Women

Some believe pornography can actually be empowering for women. For instance, Betty Dodson has been an outspoken feminist leader since the 1970s. While she doesn’t think porn offers the best in sexual education and she would prefer men generate their own mental fantasies, she sees nothing is wrong with masturbating to…

Blog Post

Of Gods and Girls – Hiphop Star Speaks out Against Child Pornography

I just ran across this music video from hiphop star, Mr. J Medeiros. It’s a song called “Constance,” and it speaks a strong message against the pornography industry, and in particular, child pornography and sex trafficking. His lyrics are aggressive: “all you have to do is click on your web…

Blog Post

Is the Fight Against Porn Only Religious?

Due to our sexualized culture, it’s easy to think that arguments for healthy intimacy and against pornography are only made by religious organizations. For instance, when talking about the sex addiction movement, psychologist Dr. David Ley says: “Most of the leaders of the sex addiction movement are themselves recovering supposed…

Blog Post

What are the most up-to-date stats on pornography?

Where can you get up-to-date stats on pornography? Over the years, that question has brought hundreds of people to the Covenant Eyes website, looking for pornography statistics. But because of the sensitive nature of the topic, in-depth studies are rare, and many are old. So where can you get the most up-to-date statistics?…

Blog Post

Add Your Voice! Help Declare Porn a Public Health Crisis

Who would have guessed that former Playboy model and Baywatch star Pamela Anderson, comedian Russell Brand, Time and GQ magazines, and several state legislatures would be the ones warning culture about the dangers of pornography? Yet, these and other highly unlikely crusaders against pornography are reminding the Church that we…

Blog Post

Porn and the Presidency

Question: Which candidate has the porn industry concerned about their profits? Answer: John McCain. – – – – In a recent article from Adult Video News (AVN), major adult industry analyst Jack Morrison explains what is at stake for pornographers in tomorrow’s elections. According to Morrison, there are only two…

Blog Post

U.S. Bishops Request Immediate Federal Action Against the Porn Industry

It is no secret that with social distancing and isolation comes increased loneliness. This can bring about abnormal behaviors and increase temptations to consume pornography and engage in sexual activities. Even those who have overcome these activities many years ago find themselves struggling again. This “new normal” is certainly impacting…

Blog Post

The Sexually Broken: Our New Mission Field

At the time of this publishing, I am on a trip to the Philippines. It has been my dream for nearly a decade to some day serve in Asia. When I began my website in 2009, I figured that dream would have to wait. In my mind there was no way…

Blog Post

The Catholic Church and Porn: 4 Quick Insights From The Bishops’ Letter

In November 2015 the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a formal statement titled, Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography. This is a major statement on behalf of Catholic leaders in the United States about how widespread the problem of pornography has spread and…

Blog Post

XXXchurch Starts a Church in Sin City

Our brothers at XXXchurch have taken their ministry to the next step. For years Craig Gross, co-founder of XXXchurch, has told people that they are not a literal church, that they are just an online community. But this month, all of that changes. Introducing: The Strip Church in Las Vegas.…