Search Results for: trafficking

Blog Post

How Porn Dehumanizes Us All

In working with the youth, the most common rationalization I tend to hear regarding the viewing of pornography is “I’m not hurting anyone.” Sure, while you may not be going out and physically robbing a bank or accosting a person on the street, the habit of viewing pornography absolutely brings…

Blog Post

Science and Porn: What Are You Risking If They’re Wrong?

Most of us have convictions. I’m not talking about the kind handed down from judges and juries, but a fixed, or at least firm, belief in what is right and wrong, okay and not okay. We use these convictions to help us navigate decisions, figure how to spend our time,…

Blog Post

10 Ways Anyone Can Fight Sex Trafficking

In the book Stop the Demand we address how pornography is a key force driving the demand for sex slavery. Since we released the book, some have asked us for some simple actions steps. What can everyday people do to really put a dent in this problem? Here are our…

Blog Post

Why You Should Give Up Porn This Lent

The famous Lenten 40 days are just a couple of days away. It’s a time of repentance, fasting, and preparation leading up to Easter. Let’s be honest, do you know what spiritual observance you’ll be doing this Lent? To be truthful, I’m not quite sure either. Well, sort of. I…

Blog Post

A Partnership With The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe

While Covenant Eyes is based in Owosso, Michigan, it has a global impact. We saw this once again when Nicola Sperenza, the General Secretary and Benedicte Colin, Policy Manager for the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE), contacted Covenant Eyes to find ways to collaborate and partner to…

Blog Post

When It’s Time to Start Fighting Back

Whether our own life was devastated by porn or a loved one’s, there comes a time in our healing journey when we start wanting to fight back. The question quickly becomes, “How?” How do I, the individual hurt by pornography, take on this supernaturally large steamroller powered by the porn…

Blog Post

The 2019 Dirty Dozen List Revealed

Each year the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), based in Washington, DC, publicly calls out twelve major, mainstream organizations that financially benefit from degrading human dignity. This naming of names puts pressure on these groups to clean up their act or face continued public scrutiny. “No corporation should profit…

Blog Post

Is Watching Porn Normal?

Statistics show that watching porn is extremely common—but does that make it normal? Two-thirds of men regularly consume pornography along with a third of women. So it is true that plenty of normal people watch porn. (Check out Covenant Eyes Porn Stats) The Danish thinker Soren Kierkegaard observed, “There is…

Blog Post

Does Striving for a Porn-Free Life Make You “Weird”? 

We live in a time when sensitivity toward others and understanding them are upheld as the highest virtues. Yet somehow this changes when it comes to sensitivity and understanding towards those trying to keep pornography out of their lives.   I’ve seen many people offended by the suggestion that pornography is…

Blog Post

5 Benefits of Being a Quitter

Updated August 2021.  I’ve been a runner for most of the last 30+ years of my life. Running is a very individual sport. There’s a constant internal dialogue that goes on in my head while running—a war between mind and body. Can I run faster? No. Yes. Maybe. Can I…