The 40 Day Challenge Part 1: Run From

Day 6: Is Porn Addictive?

Over the last several years there have been dozens of studies showing how overuse of the internet in particular can lead to addictive behavior, whether it be centered around gaming or gambling or porn. These are all behavioral addictions where the behavior has become so hardwired in the brain that the person has similar sensations as someone addicted to a drug. Both drugs, like meth or alcohol, and behaviors, like porn, are tapping the same neurocircuits.  

For more information about what you learned today, check out the course “Why Your Brain Really Craves Porn,” available for free in the Victory app

Today’s Reflections:

  • Have you found porn to be addictive in your own life?
  • From what you’ve learned already in this challenge, how do you think your mind will be renewed and you will be freed?