Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Truckers' Pictures Taken When They Buy Porn

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

I couldn’t resist reporting on this. When a Lion’s Den (adult store) opened in Uniontown, Indiana, four years ago, I’m sure the owners were not prepared for the community reaction. Thirty-five residents have protested outside the Lion’s Den in shifts for four years—365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Their website boasts: this is the longest running protest against a sex business in the United States.

They are the Uniontown Watchdogs.

warning-truckersWhen a truck driver pulls into the Lion’s Den parking lot he sees a sign: “Warning Truckers. If you visit this adult bookstore we will take your picture and send it to your employer. Plus post it on website” Similar signs warn other potential Lion’s Den customers. And the Watchdogs make good on their promises (their website features dozens of pictures of Lion’s Den patrons, many whom seem rather . . . um . . . irritated by the Watchdogs).

According to the owner, Ronald Stone, the business model estimated over 200 truck visits per night. However, 90% of the potential customers turn away when they see the signs. According to the protesters’ website, the Lion’s Den property is now up for sale, and two local buyers are soon to make offers on the property (to be used for anther type of business).

What else has the protest accomplished? One of the protesters signs offers free Bibles to Lion’s Den patrons: they’ve given away over 1,000 Bibles to date. Protesters have also prayed with customers who wanted help for addiction or relationship problems. The Watchdogs claim over 100 customers have prayed to accept Christ in the last four years. In addition, a parole officer from another county ran the plate numbers recorded by the Watchdogs and discovered several sex offenders violating their parole.

What do you think about this protest? Some have mentioned that the protesters are guilty of harassment and intimidation (Title 35, Article 45, Chapter 2 of the Indiana Code). Others say the protesters are merely exercising their first amendment right to assembly. Some say they are doing injustice to their anti-porn message with their methods. Others think they are being good concerned citizens doing their part to rid Uniontown of adult businesses.

  1. Luke,
    We at Uniontown appreciate your blog. We welcome your comments and those from your readers. The situation is changing here making us closer to victory. You can keep up with our situation on We will also arrange a link on our website to yours.
    It’s not only you appear to be of the same mind as us that impresses us. You were fair, balanced and accurate. In our work here we live live surround by lies, not only from the porn business and customers, but also from local government. You are a breath of fresh air. We will be happy to answer any questions from you or your readers.
    Our victory is near. We will keep you posted on the details as they develop.

  2. I am one of the Uniontown protesters. Thank you for your blog article. It was accurate and balanced.
    I would like to clarify our taking pictures and posting them on the web is absolutly legal. In fact, if you look on our website you will see a number of porn customers taking pictures of us. The Lion’s Den has a state of the art camera taking pictures of us 24/7 along with all their customers.
    Many of their pictures of us are posted on pro porn websites. The 4th amendment of the constitution does not protect privacy in the public forum.

    • @Rob – Thanks for visiting our blog! I was hoping to get some feedback from those in your area. Some have raised concerns about legalities, but doing this for four years without prosecution convinces me and many others you aren’t breaking any laws. I was just trying to get a feel for how people are reacting to this protest. Thanks for all you are doing there in Uniontown!

      Just so you know, as of now (August 28, 8:50am), there have been 46 responses to this survey, and 35 believe you have a right to protest the way they are doing it, and I think your methods are an effective way to promote your anti-porn message.

  3. Davy

    I agree with the sign, it just reinforces how wrong pornography is, pornography can really destroy a family.

  4. Mark W

    The first amendment works both ways. I think this is a great example of that in action. To say these people are infringing on others’ freedom by exercising their own makes no sense. Porn stores have the freedom to sell their wares. Individuals have the freedom to buy them. Protesters have the freedom to assemble and take and display photos in public places.

    While I believe porn is sinful, I do not believe it should be illegal. This is a great example of how people can stop porn and limit its effects by exercising their first amendment rights rather than trying to quash others’.

    PS: Bradley, what specifically, is illegal about what they’re doing? Anyone can take your photograph and do what they want with it if you’re in a public place.

  5. Gary

    I am a CHRISTIAN too
    but I believe that the approach should be in a loving way I am a truck driver too. I have done it for over 6yrs . I now do local driving but thier methods should be not so thrustful ..if you wnt to talk more please ….

  6. D Buckland

    My life was personally efffected by pronography, ending a 35 year marriage. My ex was completely consumed by the addiction and was unable to conquer it. It chipped away at what remained of our marriage one piece at a time until nothing remained. I am agnostic and so won’t bring religion into my comment except to say, if it helps some, then all the power to them. I personally believe that the methods the activists have taken is a non-violent act and that it is the right path to take. The fact that it has helped in the capture of numerous sex offenders is the most one could hope for. I wish them success in their attept to create a pornography free community.

  7. J T Browning

    It seems to me that this protest is being done within the boundaries of the law, and tastefully as well. Insofar as being “intrusive” – so be it! Pornography stores “intrude” the peace and tranquility of many neighborhoods, as well as people’s lives, with their dispicable smut. Both the protest, within the limits allowed by the law, and (unfortunately) pornography, are protected Free-Speech items. for the moment, one will have to tolerate the presence of the other.

    • Chris

      Actually this action is a violation of private property laws. And can carry serious fines and jail time. The reason these protesters are getting away with it is simply because the county is turning a blind eye to the activity because the county does not want the store there.

      According ng to the law you must have permission of an individual to take their picture unless they are a public official. Such as police or of a public gov office.

      In addition threatening an individual’s job or safety is considered assault in most states. Which is what these signs do. Posting an individual’s picture on a website without there expressed permission is also considered lible and harassment. In addition the courts can rule the action as malicious (which this obviously is) and press federal criminal charges on the individual’s responsible.

      Several trucking companies will throw the hammer and book at you if you harass their employees like this. Many (protesters) have been found guilty and sentenced to more then 10 years in federal prison for doing this.

      So is it a good way to get what you want? Only if your in the Bible belt and the county will ignore your obvious illegal activity and violation of federal state law and constitutional civil rights of the customers and business owner.

  8. I think it is overdone… it is an infringement on people’s freedom and even though we do not like it, people will do what they do. Was it effective.. YES! Am I happy that it has had a negative impact on their business…YES! Pornography hurts and I would love to see it gone.

    It is one thing to leave a message that gets the point across without blatantly overstepping personal boundaries and saying and doing something that totally advertises the fact that they were there. I am all for protesting, but it needs to be done in a way that is not intrusive.

    • @Donna – Thanks for your thoughts. I am interested to see people’s reactions because there’s a strong desire for many to protest adult businesses but great disagreement about how it should be done. Thanks!

  9. I don’t think this survey has enough answers. I like the offer of the Bibles and prayer. That has obviously worked. The sign and posting of pictures has worked too, but if it is illegal and infringing on their right to privacy, I don’t feel good about supporting illegal activities “for a good cause.”

    Their methods have obviously been effective and I would love to see another store like this shut down, but I’m not pro breaking the law to do it. If no laws are broken, I hope this movement/method spreads.

    • @Bradley – There is a question about legalities to be sure. Because this is somewhat a gray area, it would really be up for the courts to decide. So far no amount of protest from the business has shut down the protest from a legal standpoint. The other issue is even if they are not technically breaking the law, do they appear as if they are abusing the law? This may have a bearing on how their message is received by others.

    • Ah. So I stumbled upon this. Lol. Rather ignorance of a issue. Your saying that people can stand out in front of a legitimate business and pick it and protest their stupidity. Yet, we have a problem with folks not being able to do as they wish in their own personal life? Are you f$&#?;@ kidding me? So let me ask this question to you. Who, in the hell died and made all those closet sinners God? I sure as hell didn’t get the memo on that one. The problem we have today is stupidity and ignorance. Mostly from a bunch of Jesus freaks. I’ll tell you this much. I don’t care what people do in their personal life. If it is not harming anyone else. Then by all means do what you want to do. Nobody, and I mean no one controls another person’s life. So, with that being said I think it’s time for people to sit down and really start looking at their own. Instead of others who are not harming anyone.

    • Michael Mason

      “Let those among you who is without sin cast the first stone ”
      Jesus The Christ.

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