Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 4 minute read

The Only Way Out – Former Porn Star Has a Message for Her Fans

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

Erica was a big name in the porn industry. She was the Playboy Special Editions Model of the Year in 2005, and the Penthouse Pet of the Month for April 2007. Erica represented the sex industry’s picture of “success.”  To many she was known as the “sweetheart” of soft-core porn.

Only now, she’s out of the porn business for good, and she has a message to her fans.

To all you porn fans, please read on . . .

[From Erica’s website]:

For a long time I have been very lost—so lost in myself and in the world—that I didn’t even REALIZE that I was lost. I have always thought of myself as a pretty good person. I love helping people, I love befriending people, I love animal rescue and rehab. I care a GREAT deal for my friends and family and ALWAYS do whatever I can to care for them and make sure that they are ok. For a long time I THOUGHT that I was doing the right thing . . . and doing my personal best. Well, I was wrong—dead wrong.

Being in the world of adult modeling I see A LOT of pain. . . . A LOT of heartbreak. SO many lost girls get into this business just for some extra money . . . to help pay for school . . . to help support themselves or even their children as single moms. “It’s just temporary.” They are only going to do this for a while . . . just a few shoots.

I too started out to make some extra money to help me finish school. Almost ALL of the time it doesn’t end where you think it will . . . the path goes on . . . the hole gets deeper . . . and the road gets darker. MOST of the time the girls don’t even realize it. One day you see this bright beautiful girl shooting tame nudes . . . the next they are signing on the dotted line of a hard-core porn company. Lost. Broken. Alone.

. . . You don’t see the pain these girls are in. The struggle . . . the drugs that they take so they can get themselves through these sets. Sometimes it’s just a show . . . you pretend to be someone else . . . become someone you never thought you could be . . . and the hole gets deeper.

I never thought of myself as one of these girls. What I have been doing “wasn’t porn.” I connect to well and so close with so many of my fans. I didn’t realize what I was doing or why.

The past few years have been very difficult for me. That is no secret to anyone that knows anything about me. I have been working my tail off to support myself, my farm, my rescues, my family, and the list goes on. No matter how hard I worked, no matter how many people or creatures I helped, I STILL had that void inside of my heart and my soul, connecting with person after person through my site as REAL FRIENDS. I understood the loneliness of the people that I would talk to . . . because I myself was so lonely. The more I shot . . . the deeper my darkness got . . . the more I understood the pain of others. My friends and my fans.

There is ONE common thread to so many of us online here . . . the need to be loved, accepted, cared for, the need to have SOMEONE understand you and connect with you. At the end of so many of these emails was that loneliness. SO many men have asked me what they were doing wrong, how to find a special girl like me for THEM. How to fill that “void” in their hearts . . . in their souls. For a long time I thought I was helping to fill that void in the lives of so many, and in a way I was. But it was all a lie. I could never fill that void for anyone . . . only be a sinful band aid for it. Only cause the loneliness to deepen . . . only cause my own soul to ache more.

I have been looking so long and so hard for someone to love me: love ME for ME. Fill that hole in my soul. Complete me. All this time the only thing standing in my way was me. I have been blind and wrong. On so many levels for so long.

I have decided to leave the world of adult and porn behind me . . . and follow the Lord. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and am devoting my life to HIS WILL. I have found the one thing that can, will and DOES fill that void . . . and that is GOD.

I have been trapped in sin and destruction for so long. Disappointment after disappointment . . . painful venture after painful venture. I have been my own worst enemy. Holding the key all along that could set me free from the darkness that had slowly enveloped me . . . that was eating away piece by piece my soul. Burning the light out of my eyes so slowly that I didn’t even see it . . . didn’t know it . . .

It is with a new clarity and a new purpose that I will continue my life. I WANT TO HELP THESE GIRLS! These lost souls . . . these girls that are ABUSING THEMSELVES. Selling themselves for NOTHING. I want to help them STOP THIS PAIN. I want to show them the light . . . and the love of Jesus. ONLY HE CAN FILL THIS VOID IN THEIR LIFE! HE IS THE WAY . . . THE ONLY WAY.

I also want to help my fans . . . my friends . . . this void in your life and heart. You seek pornography to fill it . . . it’s only a bandage. . . .

I love my fans, and I love YOU. I want YOU to feel this peace. I want YOU to get out of the darkness that is all around you. You can not live with one foot in Christ and one in the world. Our time here is so short . . . today could be your last day here. And what will you have lived for? Died for? There is only one way to heaven and eternal life . . . and that is through Jesus.

I will not and can not desert my friends and fans, the models, the world. I can’t and I won’t. I am hoping that the Lord will work through me and guide me to do HIS will and help those that I can. Those that will stop and listen . . . those that will allow the Holy Spirit to fill them and speak to them as He has me.

I HAVE GREAT NEWS FOR YOU! It’s NOT TOO LATE. God LOVES YOU! He wants YOU. All you have to do is accept His gift. IT’S RIGHT THERE FOR YOU! Jesus died on the cross for OUR SINS. The price for us has already been PAID IN FULL. . . .

My life is beginning NOW. From this day on I will live HIS will and HIS way. My heart is HIS.

Serving Christ,


  1. Jason

    @Bruce David: Really? You missed it entirely man. @Doogy: Oh nice. You know one thing that’s consistent with human when they’ve been set before truth and complete honesty–they can totally miss what’s been set in front of them and look to dog it out.
    No wonder why you choose the name Doogy; you need to reconsider from a true open mind, not a bias always against an argument.

  2. Doogy

    Look at the Christians!! Little primitive brains, so cute.

    • Luke Gilkerson

      @Doogy – Please explain your sarcasm.

  3. locutrice

    @ Bruce David: Read the article again. You obviously missed certain points (coughcoughpaincoughlonelinesscoughcough).

  4. Lasisi

    I praised the Lord for you miss erica. He who has begun a good work in you is also able to complete it. He is able to keep you from falling into sin, shame, snare, reproach and every evil work and He will IF YOU LET HIM.

  5. Bruce David

    I doubt the sincerity of women who use sex to make money,then can’t live with themselves.
    I will trust a self realized women who embraces promiscuity alot more than this type of hypocrite.She has based her life on deceiving men.And so it continues….

  6. Antonio Jose

    Miss Erica

    I want to tell you of my prayer by your beautifull soul from 3 years ago,
    I,m only a simply catolich and pray ed to our Holy Mother Mary about you and she rescue of that terrible world of that industry.
    When i was entetated that this grate miracle last year, my tears did´t let downfall of happyness.
    God and Jesus hold and blessed your sweet heart for ever

  7. Gregory S. Davis

    Ms. Campbell:

    I have the utmost respect for you and your new life in Christ.

    May you forever be blessed by His loving hand, His guidance, and His will.

    Be well, and forever remember that while David fell to the sins of lust, he was favored by God, and always kept God’s song in his heart.

    May that same song forever be with you!


  8. valerie

    I too was in the industry but was not involved in the drug scene. I did it at first to make money when the economy was bad. Back in the early 90’s. It is hard to get out of……..Thank God I did not get into drugs. Then it became, nice to be ‘wanted’.
    Tough industry. I too survived it!


  9. michael duffy

    I really admire you for coming forth like you did it has shed a new light on my life because like you said this could be our last day on this earth.I find it compforting to know that we can boldly come in to the throne of grace when we blow it.Life is about choices,he is not gonna kick the door in like task force would do.But rather he stands at the door and knocks and waits for us to open the door and let him(JESUS)in. We have no idea what or how he(JESUS) can and will use us (you never know till you go) thank you and be blessed because you truly are a blessing…

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