Most Recent Posts in circuit

  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    Is Porn Production a Form of Sex Trafficking?

    by William Payne The title of this post is a bit controversial.…

    by William Payne The title of this post is a bit controversial. There are many who would react to it with a strong “no.” Porn, they claim, is just an expression of free speech. It…

    2 minute read

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  • Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Been There, Done That (Part 2)

    Read Part 1 “When we want to be something other than the…

    Read Part 1 “When we want to be something other than the thing God wants us to be, we must be wanting what, in fact, will not make us happy.” -CS Lewis It took less…

    1 minute read


  • Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Pleasuring Ourselves to Death

    How Porn Harms Us A month ago a standing-room-only crowd attended a…

    How Porn Harms Us A month ago a standing-room-only crowd attended a briefing on Capitol Hill to listen to several researchers summarize their findings about how pornography harms men, women, children, and culture. Below is…

    1 minute read


  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    Will we have an .xxx domain?

    There’s quite a bit of buzz in the media about the proposed…

    There’s quite a bit of buzz in the media about the proposed .xxx domain. Pornographic websites could be registered under this new top-level domain much the same way other websites are registered as .com or…

    1 minute read


  • Help Others Restore Integrity

    The S.E.C. Porn Scandal

    The mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to maintain…

    The mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to maintain a fair, orderly, and efficient market economy in the U.S. . . . that is, of course, when some of their senior employees…

    1 minute read


  • Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Been There, Done That (Part 1)

    Some Personal (and Painful) Recollections Regarding Sexual Sin Years ago my wife…

    Some Personal (and Painful) Recollections Regarding Sexual Sin Years ago my wife and I saw the film “Moonstruck,” in which the actress Cher made some insightful remarks during one of the movie’s key scenes: “A…

    1 minute read


  • Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Ten Tips For Maintaining Sexual Integrity

    Tip 1: GET REAL Recognize that sexual temptation is unavoidable in our…

    Tip 1: GET REAL Recognize that sexual temptation is unavoidable in our sex-obsessed culture. Erotic images on billboards, films, television and a thousand other stimulants are bombarding you daily. Being a Christian doesn’t exempt you…

    1 minute read


  • Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Getting Honest About Our Struggle with Porn

    Working for Covenant Eyes I’m often asked what accountability looks like. When…

    Working for Covenant Eyes I’m often asked what accountability looks like. When someone has struggled with pornography, how does accountability software and having a good accountability partner help? No matter the level of your struggle…

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  • Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Football and Internet Porn

    With the Superbowl upon us, I thought a football post would be…

    With the Superbowl upon us, I thought a football post would be fitting. Recently I was speaking with our president, Ron DeHaas, about a talk he gave a couple months ago to a group of…

    0 minute read


  • Rebuild Your Marriage

    How Porn Ruins Sex Drive

    Repeatedly viewing pornography can have a discernible effect on sex drive. When…

    Repeatedly viewing pornography can have a discernible effect on sex drive. When we train our minds on virtual sexuality, it is easy to lose interest in the real thing with our wives. Research shows how…

    1 minute read