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Support, Heal, and Empower: A Summit Just for Women

Last Updated: November 18, 2020

As a young woman still in the throes of my porn addiction, I nearly choked on my drink when Anne asked for my help with her porn recovery.

I wondered silently to myself, did she somehow know my secret and was just trying to expose me? For what seemed like an eternity in that brief moment, I remained silent. Confused. Scared. Ready to run. Then I realized that the prayer I had prayed for so long was finally being answered: God had just opened the door for my life to change.

As Anne was explaining her struggle, I interrupted her in a gush of emotion and relief…

“Me too.”

Those two words of admission started my journey to a lifetime of freedom after nearly a decade of pornography addiction and other unwanted sexual behaviors. It was a long journey, and not always an easy one—but a journey worth every step. If you are a woman struggling with pornography and unwanted sexual behaviors, there is an army of women who hear you, see you, and more importantly, understand you—because we’ve been there too.

Through a joint effort of Covenant Eyes and my organization, Living On Purpose (home of, we want to provide more women with the opportunity to say “me too” and invite you to join us for this unique online experience:

SHE: Support. Heal. Empower.

That’s the resonating message of the SHE Virtual Recovery Summit, coming October 5-9, 2020.

5 Days

30+ Experts and Storytellers


This faith-based, online summit will answer the questions female porn addicts are asking and lead them safely into the process of recovery.

More than 30 women, experts, and storytellers in pornography addiction recovery from around the world, will share daily pre-recorded sessions, plus daily live panel discussions and Facebook Live events. These unique live events will give you the opportunity to ask the experts your own questions and engage in a deeper dialogue on these issues. Daily meet-up events will also take place to give women who struggle the option to connect with others in the hope of establishing accountability.

This summit is also designed for pastors, ministry leaders, and counselors to engage in these issues in order to serve women who struggle better, including opportunities for Q&A.

“What I hear more than anything else from women is, ‘I thought I was the only one,’” Counselor and SHE Summit speaker Marnie Ferree shared during an interview at Bethesda Workshops in Nashville, where she provides clinical intensives for porn and sex addiction.

Women need to know they aren’t alone.

One study showed 73% of women (mainly between the ages of 18 and 35) used porn in the last six months and 26% in the last week. In a 2019 online survey of young women 18 to 29, 14% said they watched porn a few times per week and 18% watched porn about once per week, and 20% of all the women surveyed said they worried that they watched porn too much.

Female porn use is on the rise, but it certainly isn’t new. At a time when female addiction was deafeningly silent (16 years ago), I found my own recovery because one Christian woman was bold enough to share her story with me and support me on a path of healing and empowerment.

Now, as a pastoral counselor and the founder of Living On Purpose, I have heard the frustrations of women who believe they are unique in their struggle, just as I thought I was in my isolation with porn. But our struggles are not as unique as we might believe.

Today, even more brave women are rising up to be heard, and I have rallied them together for the SHE: Virtual Recovery Summit to share with you their stories, their expertise, and their hope for your own meaningful recovery.

In addition to myself as your Summit Host, our 30+ speaker lineup includes Marnie Ferree, Jessica Harris, Shannon Ethridge, Dr. Juli Slattery, Christian Bosse, Alice Taylor, Titania Paige, and more. With recovery topics ranging from identity and shame, to trauma and abuse, and even faith and advocacy, women will find support, heal, and be empowered on their journey of pornography addiction recovery.

During the Summit, we are excited to share that you will also be able to download a brand new, FREE ebook written by myself and Lisa Eldred  (from Covenant Eyes!). This is a unique recovery resource for women written just for you!

Join us October 5-9, 2020, and don’t miss this unique, never-before-seen opportunity for women who struggle with porn to support, heal, and empower each other.


Crystal Renaud Day, MAPC
Summit Host, Founder of Living on Purpose


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