Rebuild Your Marriage Hope After Porn
Rebuild Your Marriage 2 minute read

Stories of Hope After Porn: Marriages That Made It Through

Last Updated: June 11, 2024

When a man is entrenched in porn, is there hope for his marriage? Can he change? Can he restore trust with his wife? Can she forgive him? Can their marriage flourish some day?

These are the questions we get on a daily basis—mostly from women who feel hopelessly trapped in marriages to men who are enslaved to porn. This is the reason why we published Hope After Porn a few years ago: to share stories of redemption. We’ve just revised and updated the book, so be sure to pick up a free digital copy.

Meet the Authors

Kay Bruner - Hope After PornKay Bruner: Kay is the author of As Soon As I Fell: A Memoir. She has been married to her husband Andy for over 25 years. They were members of Wycliffe Bible Translators for two decades. During that time, while they assisted a Bible translation team on the Solomon Islands, Andy struggled with an addiction to pornography. Eventually his secret came out and they began the process of restoration. They currently live in the Dallas area where Kay works as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Visit her website:

April Mabrey - Hope After PornApril Mabrey: April has been married to Darren for more than 20 years. When Darren was in seminary, she discovered his obsession with porn. For 11 years she tried everything to help him stop, until one day she had enough and left him, and Darren started making changes in his life. Eventually April returned home and they began to rebuild their marriage. They currently live in Dallas with their twin girls, Luci and Sydni. Darren has a passion for sharing his story of freedom from toxic shame through his ministry called Sit in the Chair:

Cindy Beall - Hope After PornCindy Beall: Cindy is the author of Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken. While her husband Chris was a pastor, his secret addiction with porn eventually turned to online flirtation and an affair. Today Chris and Cindy speak openly about their difficult journey through Chris’ infidelity and pornography addiction that nearly destroyed their marriage and ministry. Through God’s grace they have returned to full-time ministry where Chris serves as one of the pastors at Cindy serves as their Sisters Women’s Ministry leader. She blogs at

Read Their Stories

There is no “blueprint” for recovery, nor are there any shortcuts. Restoration is hard and often messy. These stories are not monuments of “perfect recovery stories,” but are rather footprints for other couples to observe. Like William Faulkner said, “A monument only says, ‘At least I got this far,’ while a footprint says, ‘This is where I was when I moved again.’”


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