Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 2 minute read

Steve Jobs Wants to Keep Porn Off the iPhone

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

King of the Apple Empire, Steve Jobs, has faced some flack recently for his refusal to allow apps programmed with Flash. Apple requires app developers to use Apple’s tools, and Flash is not one of them.

One frustrated blogger on, Ryan Tate, e-mailed Jobs about a recent commercial calling the iPad a “revolution.” After all, aren’t real revolutions about freedom?

Jobs’ return e-mail three hours later opened up the proverbial can of worms:

Yep, freedom from programs that steal your private data. Freedom from programs that trash your battery. Freedom from porn. Yep, freedom. The times they are a changin’ and some traditional PC folks feel their world is slipping away. It is.

Freedom from porn? Yes. That’s what he said.

In another email with an Apple customer, when asked about why Jobs was trying to be the “moral police,” not allowing pornography apps, Jobs stated, “We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone. Folks who want porn can buy and [sic] Android phone.”

Only two years ago the adult industry was praising the iPhone for being the “perfect vehicle” for bringing porn to America. Now Jobs is doing his part to make it less porn-friendly.

Many are pleased with this direction. UK church planter Tim Chester, author of Captured by a Better Vision, writes,

I’m delighted by Steve Jobs’ attitude to porn. I’m astonished by his biblical definition of freedom. Freedom is not about having lots of choice. We have been deceived into holding this false definition of freedom by neo-liberal economists. True freedom is the ability to choose or to be the best. God’s freedom does not lie in the fact that he can do either good or evil. It lies in the fact that he can always do and be what is best. Freedom is not being able to choose whether you view porn or not. It’s the ability to live the good life which is life in relationship to God and under his authority. And that freedom includes freedom from porn.”

Others feel Jobs is being ridiculous when he says he wants to keep porn off the iPhone and iPad. After all, Playboy has an app (not with nude pictures, of course, just teasers for the magazine). Oh, and let’s not forget… um… Safari. This is one of the reasons Covenant Eyes created a browser.

What do you think? Should Apple use its own sense of morality to guard what apps are created for its products?

  1. CJ

    I think the best thing would be if they didnt offer porn. Regardless, IE they don;t care what I think. Porn really messes up a person because it creates impossible expectations on the spouse. For sure If they are going to do this, then the phones need to have a way to block this ap for those who want the phone but not the porn.

  2. Bill Cottrell

    I whole heartedly agree with each and every stated comment above. God has given us each a brain – and a choice – as to how we use it. He also outlined His plan for marriage, and like stated above, pron degrades women/wives into property and sexual slaves. Yes, I have been tempted to view on-line trash, but I know in my own heart it is not right for my eyes or mind…..and it would almost force me to view my wife – not as my lover and soul mate, but as just an object for my own satisfaction. But that type of satisfaction is only temporary, and porn feeds on porn.
    I praise God for men who take a stand like Steve JJobs. Let’s all band together and take this a for our
    wives, our marriages, and for our children and grand
    children. The morality of America is slippping more every day!

  3. Keith Britton

    Porn…. Is it a sickness?? or an addiction?/ or just a personal choice??
    I run a rehab center for crack addiction in Costa Rica. I have found that 99% of crack addicts are addicted to Porn. That goes for all cocaine, heroine and crank addicts as well. the drug amplifies the sex/porn and the sex/porn screams for more drugs.
    Although porn my start as a choice, it ends up as an addiction and a sick one at that, because it is never satisfied.
    As I look back when I was young. I was addicted to porn by the time I was 11. (Sears Catalog), Of course I thought it was normal. and when Playboy came out, I was in heaven. I had a homosexual Uncle who would feed me porn (I didn’t know he was a homo at that time) until one of his homo buddies tried to play with me, and I ran like the wind.
    I was addicted to Porno for 34 of my first 45 years on earth. I didn’t know it was an addiction until I accepted Christ in to my life, and on that day I saw porn as it really is.. BLACK PUSS

  4. iwaneeze

    yes i agree just having apps that are possible to look at porn is extremely tempting

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