Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 1 minute read

Setting Captives Free – Web Courses for Those Affected by Porn

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 73


Today we play the second part of our interview with Mike and Jody Cleveland, founders of Over the last 10 years Setting Captives Free has helped thousands of people break free from habitual sins through the application of biblical principles.

Mike will share about the “Way of Purity,” a free 60-day course for those who struggle with pornography.

Jody will talk at length about “A United Front,” their free course for spouses of those ensnared in pornography addiction.

Listen to last week’s episode and hear Mike and Jody tell the story about how they started this ministry.

Music for today’s podcast is “The Fire and the Knife” by The Difficulty
Listen to more Covenant Eyes Radio on iTunes.
  1. Mark

    Looking for answers

  2. Mark

    My name is Mark and i have been through one divorce and lost my girlfriend due to porn i was married for 17 yrs my ladt girlfriend and i was together for one year i have lose so much because of Porn and i am tierd of losing and hurting the ones i love i need an intervention i need a break though. I need help!!!!!!!

  3. Been addicted to porn for several years …had the book “setting captives free Pure Freedom” started the course but fell short another ” program ” stopping my addiction from drugs and alcohol through my higher power I choose to call our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 5 years but need support group for this dark secret

    • Keep leaving comments but it blanks it out

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, Joe – online support suggestions: or You’re right that without Christ and community (accountability), it is almost impossible to break free. I hope and pray you are able to find the freedom you so desperately desire.

  4. Joe Matovich

    I have had the book ” setting captives free” Pure Freedom” for quite some time …started studying on my own but fell short haven’the picked it up in 7/8 years…but falling deeper and deeper into porn would like to join accountability group… currently in a ” program” stopping my use of drugs and alcohol …have a higher power I choose to call our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…gave my life to Christ several years ago…NEED MORE ACCOUNTABILITY

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, Joe – online support suggestions: or You’re right that without Christ and community (accountability), it is almost impossible to break free. I hope and pray you are able to find the freedom you so desperately desire.

  5. I turned to Setting Captives Free one night in desperation trying to find freedom – that was the start of my recovery journey!

    It doesn’t look like they still have the course available online now. I now work with KingdomWorks Studios who have produced the Conquer Series – if you are looking for a support group then a Conquer Group run at a local church is a great place to start.

  6. mariesha

    I really wish setting captives free was still available. there are so many people that can’t afford the books and need the help as well as the one on one it had.

  7. Douglas Haga

    Trying to take this course, I took it before but fell badly and want to take and live it but can’t access it. Help.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi Douglas, I’m not sure why it won’t let you take it again. There are many other options out there if this one won’t work, for example:

  8. Quwayne

    I am enslaved by this giant of lust and masturbation please help

    • Chris McKenna

      Hello, you’ve taken a huge step coming forward to admit that you need help. Since I’m not sure if you’re coming at this from a male or female perspective, let me offer 2 blog posts for you to read:

      (male, but probably both)
      (specifically for females)

      Start there. Let us know if you have further questions. GOD is for you! If you have faith, then I invite you to cry out to Him.

      -Peace, Chris
      Covenant Eyes

    • J

      Hello there, I was too 4 years ago, satan has his clutches on me through pornography and masterbation etc… BUT, chains cannot be completely broken off without the work in of God in our lives… For me what happened was I was so chained to this addiction I couldn’t ever break free in my own strength and it just so happened that I ran across Billy graham sermons from the 1950’s and these began working truth into my soul, ya see, the BiBle is so true, it is the very word of God preserved for every human being to be free from sin and Death!!!!! Hallelujah!! There is hope!!! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God!!! Listen to the word of God!! Cry out to the Lord continuously hourly day and night, be sincere from the Heart, tell him your done serving sinful pleasures of this world and ask him to deliver you and forgive you AND HE WILL!!! continue listening / reading and seeking him daily, confessing these thing to him, believe on Jesus Christ!! If you are desperately wNting to turn from evil and be an upright person you can truly be free! These things will be defeated in Jesus name!!! I have been 100% free from porno, masterbating, drinking, stealing, lyng, cheating, and in the word daily for 4 straight years! lust still tries to torment be daily but I must renew my mind with the word of God and walk by the spirit and I will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.. Read Romans 6-8 for help.. Call upon the name of the Lord out of a desperate and sincere heart and be free!

  9. Found this looking for “Setting Captives Free” website. Do you know what has happened or why it stopped being a website. Do you know where that kind of program is now. It was great and I loved sending people to it.


      Hi Rick,

      I recently was searching for the program as well. The founder of the program has changed the focus of his ministry. You can still purchase a copy of the Way of Purity from Focus Publishing. It’s the exact same course that was online but in a paperback form. I hope that helps.

  10. ken

    Hello there,

    I’m currently wrapping up a study of the end-times on my blog, Reflections on the Christ, at

    There’s been talk of guillotines being imported into the United States and other scary bits of news.

    However, I am discussing about them from a prophetic point of view and hoping to stimulate more research and personal study of God’s word and the end times.

    If you have the time, feel free to drop by, express your thoughts, and maybe even shed some light for others who come by. I’d be honoured.

    Keep shining.


    • hi, my name is Eugene I am free from porn many years now I frequently masterbate about every 6 weeks,i would like to join again I am sure I can learn from past mistakes,i want to know more about jesus ,in a personal way I want to come back to HIM

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