Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

Renewing the Mind: A Review

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)

Over the past month and a-half I have been publishing a series of posts about “renewing the mind.” The posts have been a joy to write, and I hope they have been helpful to read. Here is the complete list of posts:

1. Renewing the Mind: An Introduction

2. Pure Imagination

3. Practical Theology

4. Muttering Matters

5. Searching the Secret Heart

6. Beholding the Face of Christ

My hope, as people look through these chapters, is that they find practical ways to use the Bible to transform the way they think and feel.

1. Treasure and read Scripture as your window to see the face of Christ. Don’t settle for the Bible as merely your text book. Know that if you belong to Christ, the Spirit is in you to impart a fresh revelation of the face of Christ to you. Only through a growing fascination with Him are we really changed.

2. Enjoy the Bible like you enjoy a good movie. The Bible is a story filled with incredible sights and sounds and experiences. Allow your imagination to run wild through the pages of Scripture. See and experience God’s breathtaking actions in the history of His people.

3. Become a practical theologian. Don’t be afraid to get into the meat of theology. Feed off of the wisdom of the church through the ages. Let the community of the church (both through living teachers and good books) teach you about “the study of God” and His ways.

4. Let the words of God renew the language of your self-talk. Get into the practice of speaking the words of Scripture aloud to yourself and others. Learn the art of “labeling” your experiences the way God sees them. Allow the truths of Scripture to change the inner monologue of your daily life.

5. Join a real community of Word and of the heart. Don’t walk the path of transformation alone. Dare to be known by others and allow them to shine the searchlight of God’s word deep into your heart. Surround yourself with men and women dedicated to unearthing your deepest hurts and deepest sins.

6. Pray continually for illumination and repentance. Only God can grant us the vision and strength needed to change.

  1. Sandra Eggers

    I long to be a part of a family of believers.
    My husband though he is a Christian does not like to go to church – at least not my church. And so I don’t go.
    But I so much want to be surrounded by those who know Him and speak of His ways and what He is doing in our lives.
    I hope this study will start my husband back to a good congregation of believers. We both need it.

  2. Ron

    Thank you for this series. I have just read through all of it right now and it has really edified me.

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