Rebuild Your Marriage Marriage Bundle
Rebuild Your Marriage 1 minute read

Renewing Marital Intimacy Book Bundle (Giveaway Worth $50)

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

Often we head into marriage expecting it to be a sexual utopia or an ever-flowing fountain of intimacy, and then when the honeymoon is over, we realized that we are sinful people married to sinful people in a sinful world. Sometimes our expectations of marriage have to change. Sometimes we need an overhaul of our behavior and attitudes. Other times, just small tweaks can make enormous differences when it comes to intimacy, connectedness, and sexual pleasure.

Marriage Bundle

Starting today, we are giving away a bundle of six books geared toward couples who want to renew marital intimacy. We are grateful for New Growth Press for donating so many books and for Sheila Gregoire for adding her book to the bundle.

This bundle is valued at over $50. Enter below to win!

Books in the Bundle:

Enter the Giveaway

The more times you enter, the greater your chances of winning. The giveaway ends at 4:00PM on Friday, May 9.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  1. Meg

    Would love to win this giveaway. My marriage has been affected by addiction and broken trust. These would be great resources to have!

    • Bob S.

      Highly recommend SA or SAA recovery groups for the husband and S-anon for the spouse.

  2. Tom

    Proper or good intimacy with my wife can only begin with the overflow of my sufficient intimacy with Jesus.

  3. Carrie


  4. Laura

    What a great tool for married couples… working on a daily devotional and reading books together is a great connection my husband and I can make.

  5. Rob G

    (This is for the book offer – )
    What has helped our intimacy has been a commitment to preserve my day off (Fridays) as a day to spend together with my wife while our kids are at school. We spend those days together just enjoying the day, enjoying one another and avoiding anything work- or house-work related. It is often the one time of the week we can be intimate without interruption (you know, the other meaning of ‘coitus interuptus? :-). We also take time to read a good book on marriage every once in a while. Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages should be required reading for everyone. The last book we read through was Sheet Music by Kevin Lehman – (THAT was an interesting read! It also helped us to finally have some clear and direct conversation that was long overdue).

  6. Cheryl

    Thanks for keeping it pure & with the Word.

  7. rayquest

    AWESOME I WOULD SAY bravo convenant eyes wonderful collection of awesome knowledge to make ones life PORN PROOF aka devil proof

  8. Amanda

    Praying that God helps me see Him for who He is and for help that I see myslef and my husband as He sees us!

  9. Kerry

    I believe to regain intimacy both people in the relationship need to be completely honest and transparent with one another.

  10. Amanda

    Intimacy, in general, is a hard for me. Whether that is intimacy with God, my husband, my kids, etc. My prayer this year is for God to take down my walls and increase my ability to love and be loved. I would say meditating on scripture on marriage, God’s love for me, and His love for the church help me the most.

    • Dave & Pat

      The key to marital intimacy for twice and I is walking closely with Jesus, dying to selfishness any putting the others needs first.

    • Diana

      Communication, communication, communication! Mutual respect and understanding…

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