Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 2 minute read

Pure Life Ministries – Helping men and women turn from sexual sin to God

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

We recently had a chance to visit Pure Life Ministries headquarters. What an amazing place!

Pure Life Ministries serves Christians dealing with sexual sin. They have a wide range of services:

  • Live-In Program – This special program is for men who are desperate for freedom from habitual sexual sin. Men live on the 45-acre Pure Life campus on a high ridge in north-central Kentucky. Most men in this program have already paid a high price or their addiction and are looking for a radical change. They have tried easy solutions and nothing has worked.  Residents stay for a minimum of six months and are on a daily schedule of counseling, worship, homework, chores, prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.
  • At-Home Program – This program is available to struggling men, struggling women,  and teens.  Participants follow have a weekly 30-minute phone counseling session, do daily homework, and follow a specific curriculum designed to bring each counselee to true repentance. Counseling for wives is also available to help them overcome emotional pain, shame, and feelings of hopelessness. All the At-Home counselors are trained in biblical counseling and have personally benefited from Pure Life’s counseling services themselves.
  • Counseling Helpline – Set up your 30-minute appointment by calling 888-PURE-LIFE. During the counseling call you will talk to a trained male or female counselor certified by the International Association of Biblical Counselors.
  • Publications – Pure Life has published many materials for those who want to know more about sexual addiction and how to break free. Some of their books include At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry (their flagship book), When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart, and A Biblical Guide to Counseling the Sexual Addict. They also have a number of teaching DVDs and Bible study resources.
  • Men of Purity Weekend – For about 10 years Pure Life has been holding Men of Purity Weekends around the world. The weekend event is a straightforward look at living in sexual purity designed to bring about a transforming encounter with God.
  • Web-Based Ministry – The Pure Life website has a host a free resources such as podcasts, newsletter articles, testimonies, and blog posts

Thanks to PLM for all the work you do to lead Christians to victory over sexual sin and into a deeper life in God!


  1. Alhassan Mohammed

    I m a victim of sexual addition for many years. But am free now and by the grace of God am sitting a center to help those in need. Thanks.

  2. Johnny Harry

    Question: If a person is in the throes of porn addiction. Are they in right standing with God? Does being bound by this sin separate one from God? Thank you for your response.

    • Kay Bruner

      God’s love never, ever fails us. NEVER. Nothing separates us from the love of God, as Romans 8 says. Watching porn is hardly likely to be able to separate us from God, if angels and demons can’t do it! In fact, realizing that we are completely loved, safe, and chosen, regardless of our behavior, is the one and ONLY thing that actually gives us the freedom to let go of subsitutes for love, like porn. When we can bring our pain, our anxiety, our failures to love and find that we are safe? That’s where the healing comes. Many of us have been raised in religious systems that use fear and shame of being separated from God and our community as whips to try to keep us in line. We only have to look at the incredible rates of porn use in the church to realize that shame and fear never do a thing to help us. Give love a try instead, and see if that works better for you. Peace, Kay

    • Chaplain Mousoulias

      It’s a shame you don’t offer a course in Spanish. I could help you. My friend in Christ, I have a BS in Family life Ed. and a MA in Theology, also fluent in Spanish. God placed me on this wed site because of a friend in need.

  3. Mauro Rayo

    I need know if yours have course in Spanish Language, I living in Colombia , I have 47 years old, I am married and have problems with infidelity if is possible to you help me and search an program to me please contact to me. I have visa to tourism and the maxim time that I can stay in USA is 6 months but I want if you have programs more shorts…Best Regards

    • We don’t currently have any of our resources in Spanish, no.

  4. I would like information on Pure Life Ministry if I could.
    We run several ministries for those caught in the sin of Addiction with Drugs and Alcohol and would like to check on the possibility of recommending and sending those involved in sexual addictions.Thank You. Pastor Gerry

  5. Daniel Frank

    The best way to describe my life is that I have a cancer within my heart, and the God that I love is performing open heart surgery without anesthesia. It is overwhelming, complicated, hurtful, painful and so very lonely. I am lost! I thought I knew Him, but maybe I am just going to burn in hell????

    • Surgeons don’t perform surgery to harm but to heal. If God is operating on your, its not because you are a lost cause.

      Your story reminds me of C.S. Lewis’ parable in The Great Divorce. You can read it here.

    • Robert

      God can do this work aside from the hatefulness of PLM. They are not healed, they are not broken. They are humiliated and drained of all the good God gave them.

  6. Amy Engle

    My husband is currently a resident at PLM and has been there for three months now. It has been very hard to be a single mom while he is away, but it is worth it. Every time I talk to my husband, I can sense a growing change in him. He is becoming the man I thought I had married. I am so grateful to PLM and thank God for it everyday. It is hard to keep going some days and I just want to throw the towel in, but when I look at the big picture, there is no place I would rather my husband be right now, getting help for his long time addiction. We tried everything else and being at PLM is the best thing for him.

    • So glad to hear that, Amy. It’s encouraging to know that PLM is still doing great work.

    • Daniel Frank

      Should I go? I am hurting beyond anything that life has thrown at me so far. I fear and I am broken. Dan

    • Give them a call and see what kind of people you’d be counseled by. See how the Spirit leads.

    • Robert

      If you loved him because who he was without the sin, you won’t know him when he returns. Clean or not his soul and his spirit will be broken.

  7. David Smith

    This place can you lead you to Jesus….you can get free….these guys are the real deal…

    • Robert

      Are you kidding me! Flee! Run from the devil. That place is evil and will steal your soul. A abstain of manipulation, self esteem killing, Assembly of God indoctrination… God WiLL deal with those people!

    • What do you mean by “self esteem killing”?

    • Josiah Long

      I’m a young man that graduated the Teen challenge program but still struggle with porn and other disgusting sexual sins. I was expose
      To porn at 9 years old and now I’m 43. I had several attempt to go to plm but tapped out due to fear. I would do good for awhile and even use church to medicate the pain my sin caused. I keep getting these prophecies that God is raising me up and wants to use me. I have a child, wife, business, and ministry and a terrible addiction. I fasted before, prayed cand u please offer me your best advice?

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi, Josiah, I’m not sure if anyone has responded, but I think 2 things would constitute my very “best” advice (recognizing that different things work for different people): (1) make a clear, effective decision about sin in your life (read this), and (2) get HONEST with another person, (3) SLAM the door on access to porn. Give someone else codes, restrictions, etc. No matter how inconvenient.

    • Jai

      Amen.. Went through the program. It was the best decision I have ever made. I was once addicted to so many unspeakable thing, but now I’m free and serve at my church as a Worship Pastor.

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