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  • A thoughtful man looking at a computer screen.

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Am I Addicted to Porn? 12 Signs of Porn Addiction

    Despite decades of research, porn addiction remains a questionable diagnosis in the…

    Despite decades of research, porn addiction remains a questionable diagnosis in the medical community. But there’s no question that thousands of people struggle unsuccessfully to quit pornography. If you’re concerned that you may be addicted…

    7 minute read


  • Group of young people having a Bible study

    Help Others Restore Integrity

    Accountability in Church

    Statistics show that as many as 64% of church-going men of all ages and 34% of church-going women ages 18-30 look at porn…

    Statistics show that as many as 64% of church-going men of all ages and 34% of church-going women ages 18-30 look at porn regularly.1 Unfortunately, accountability is largely absent from the church today. Most Christians are not accountable to their churches or anyone in them. According to Barna, only 5% of…

    10 minute read


  • Close-up portrait of male student with head on knees sitting by wall in college

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    My Sin Owned Me

    I have long struggled with lust, first giving in to pornography as…

    I have long struggled with lust, first giving in to pornography as a 6th grader. As I approach my junior year of college, I see the destruction that my addiction has caused and the further…

    4 minute read


  • A young man embracing his wife.

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    I Overcame My Fear of Abandonment

    My struggles have been with pornography, masturbation, fanaticizing, objectifying, and lying. It…

    My struggles have been with pornography, masturbation, fanaticizing, objectifying, and lying. It started after dealing with intense feelings of loneliness following my graduation from college and first job in ministry. I was spending a lot…

    3 minute read


  • Young man taking a break while hiking.

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    My Imperfect Journey

    My journey to overcome and avoid the temptation of pornography has been…

    My journey to overcome and avoid the temptation of pornography has been a long and difficult one. It started at the age of 8. Some of my friends came over to my house one day…

    3 minute read


  • Close-up on the hands of a group of people learning to trust one another.

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    How to Trust People

    After helping people overcome pornography for more than two decades, one thing…

    After helping people overcome pornography for more than two decades, one thing has become clear: Defeating porn requires trustworthy relationships. Pornography develops a powerful grip on people that can’t be overcome in isolation. We need…

    7 minute read


  • A young man training for an endurance race.

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Running the Race With Endurance

    “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart…

    “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). This passage has been the one I’ve been able to…

    4 minute read


  • A young man with bowed head praying over his Bible.

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Killing the Dragon: My Struggle With Sexual Sin

    The war that I have been waging against my flesh has been…

    The war that I have been waging against my flesh has been going on for around six years now. The story of how that war began and how I came to faith in Jesus Christ…

    4 minute read


  • A couple facing one another, holding hands.

    Rebuild Your Marriage

    Forgiveness vs. Trust: Why Knowing the Difference is Essential

    The first 8 years of Troy and Melissa’s marriage were horrible because…

    The first 8 years of Troy and Melissa’s marriage were horrible because of Troy’s sexual addiction. As God healed them—Troy from his addiction and Melissa from betrayal trauma—they developed a passion for helping other couples.…

    3 minute read


  • Image of Ashley Jameson.

    Help Others Restore Integrity

    5 Insights About Women and Pornography From Ashley Jameson

    Ashley Jameson is the Associate Director of Women’s Groups for Pure Desire…

    Ashley Jameson is the Associate Director of Women’s Groups for Pure Desire Ministries. Not only is she an expert in the field of sex addiction, but she has her own powerful story of overcoming addiction.…

    3 minute read