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  • teen on computer in home office

    Protect Your Kids

    Parenting in a Sexualized Culture

    Several years ago I was attending a meeting at church in preparation…

    Several years ago I was attending a meeting at church in preparation for an upcoming mission trip that I was participating in. It would be my first mission trip in several years and I was…

    2 minute read


  • monitor kids computer

    Protect Your Kids

    How to Monitor Kids’ Computers

    Cartoon by Jerry King You don’t need a bigger screen to know…

    Cartoon by Jerry King You don’t need a bigger screen to know what your children are up to online. You can monitor kids’ computers by using Accountability Software in the home and on their mobile…

    0 minute read


  • college campus from sky

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Porn at College: Life at the Crossroads

    by O.R. Leslie “O.R., can we go outside and talk in private?”…

    by O.R. Leslie “O.R., can we go outside and talk in private?” the young man asked. He was in a Family Counseling class at a major Christian university where my wife, Brenda, and I had…

    2 minute read

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  • The Porn Circuit book cover

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    The Bible and the Brain

    How Scripture strengthens, renews neurological pathways The Creator of the brain gave…

    How Scripture strengthens, renews neurological pathways The Creator of the brain gave mankind a neurological handbook—the Bible. To live new lives we just have to embed its truths into our daily thinking. Science shows us…

    5 minute read


  • clothes don't cause rape sign

    Help Others Restore Integrity

    Bringing Rape Culture to Light

    How the Cultural Treatment of Women Impacts the Acceptability of Sexual Violence…

    How the Cultural Treatment of Women Impacts the Acceptability of Sexual Violence Have you heard the one about the comedian who joked about his audience getting gang-raped? In July 2012, two young women attended an…

    12 minute read


  • two men hiking

    Help Others Restore Integrity

    10 Steps to Finding a Great Accountability Partner

    When you are using Accountability Software, the most important question to ask…

    When you are using Accountability Software, the most important question to ask is: Who should receive your Accountability Reports? For some people, the choice of an accountability partner (or an ally as we like to…

    4 minute read


  • Protect Your Kids

    Scary trends in social media extend beyond teens

    A recent USA Today headline points to a scary trend: Cyberbullying extends…

    A recent USA Today headline points to a scary trend: Cyberbullying extends to workplace, bedroom. Here’s how the article begins: Cyberbullying is no longer restricted to children. Adults routinely use content from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,…

    4 minute read


  • teen girl looking over shoulder

    Protect Your Kids

    Slut Shaming: Teens’ Sex Lives On Display

    It is being called the modern equivalent of the Scarlet Letter. Online…

    It is being called the modern equivalent of the Scarlet Letter. Online “slut shaming” is when someone uses a girl’s (or boy’s) photos, videos, or private information to brand that person as promiscuous or provocative.…

    6 minute read


  • Moral-Revolution

    Defeat Lust & Pornography

    Moral Revolution (Book Review)

    Good purity books don’™t magically write themselves. They are forged out of…

    Good purity books don’™t magically write themselves. They are forged out of the author’s own experience as a sexual struggler, as a minister working with sexual strugglers, or both. Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About…

    3 minute read


  • woman on computer

    Rebuild Your Marriage

    Spying on Your Husband on the Computer

    Thinking back on my “Magnum PI” days literally makes my stomach turn.…

    Thinking back on my “Magnum PI” days literally makes my stomach turn. I accidentally came across my husband’s porn addiction back in the early 90s after being married for only three years. He was attending…

    3 minute read