Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 3 minute read

“I’m a church leader, and I look at pornography. Who can I talk to?”

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

One survey suggests that over 50% of pastors believe pornography temptation is the #1 sexual issue damaging their congregations. Other surveys suggest that over 50% of pastors themselves experience this same temptation. Many church leaders fear what will happen if they choose to confess their own sin.

These resources are for pastors and church leaders specifically. We have other resources for men in general.

Ministers’ Stories:

  • Nate Larkin (founder of the Samson Society) – watch this short video, or listen to the full interview for pastors
  • Chris Beall (pastor in Oklahoma) – listen to the 5-part interview about his addiction and adultery
  • David Blythe (pastor in Arizona) – listen to the interview for pastors about his former addiction
  • Dr. Harry Schaumburg (founder of Stone Gate Resources) – listen to the full interview
  • Michael Cusick (founder of Restoring the Soul) – listen to the full interview for pastors
  • Tal Prince (pastor in Alabama) – listen to the full interview for pastors
  • David Erik Jones (pastor in Texas) – listen to the interview
  • Jeff Fisher ( – listen to the 4-part interview about his recovery from addiction

Common Questions:

Ministries for Pastors:

  • The Parsonage – a ministry of Focus on the Family to ministers and their families, including a pastoral care phone line (1-877-233-4455; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Mountain Time)
  • Care For Pastors – a non-denominational ministry for hurting pastors; use their contact form to set up a phone appointment
  • Nehemiah Ministries – a supportive ministry to families involved in Christian leadership

Internet Accountability:

  • Covenant Eyes Accountability Software – used by many pastors and ministers around the world


  • The Pornography Trap – by Ralph H. Earle Jr. and Mark R. Laaser (for pastors struggling with sexual addiction)
  • Pornography: Slaying the Dragon – by David Powlison, counselor with Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation
  1. Chuck Verro, LMHC

    Is there a vetting process to be a recognized resource by your organization. I was a f/t Pastor for almost 10 and, more recently, an interim for the last three at a differenct church. I’m also a private practice Christian counselor and have been a certified sex addiction therapist (CSAT) since Dec 2002.

    • @Chuck – Right now we don’t have a formal process for being recognized by Covenant Eyes. Most of the people and organizations we network with are more organic relationships we build over time. Please send us your information and we can begin talking:

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