Help Others Restore Integrity
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HBO Makes the Dirty Dozen List

Last Updated: March 17, 2016

If you add a storyline to pornography, does it make it any less pornographic?

The answer is “no,” but that’s the draw for many in HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones.

friends watching tv

“It’s absolutely brimming with pornographic sex scenes,” said Lisa Thompson, director of education and outreach for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. She goes on to say the fantasy series uses “Misogynistic dialogue, depictions of sexual violence that are so graphic, that when you take this amalgam, you are really creating an ambiance that breeds the character of torture-pornography to the American living room.”

The constant bombardment of sexual images, full nudity, and sex scenes create a white noise for the viewer. It includes scenes of incest, repeated brutal rapes, women being sold by their brothers, a woman being raped on her wedding night while a childhood friend watches, and a woman being raped by her brother at the altar of their dead son.

That’s why HBO finds itself on the Dirty Dozen List. It’s an infamous index of organizations that contribute to the propagation of sexual exploitation. By naming and shaming these organizations, NCOSE hopes to decrease the number of organizations that contribute to sexual exploitation.

“The National Center on Sexual Exploitation believes that HBO’s combination of porn culture and pop culture is leading to not only a further normalization of pornography or the sexual objectification of women, but also to the belief that you can watch rape or sexual violence for fun,” said Haley Halverson, director of communications for NCOSE.

HBO is already in nearly a third of American households and growing. Game of Thrones uses the backdrop of prostitution and brothels. It’s increasing popularity contributes the tread of trying to normalize this activity.

Thompson said, “When you take the totality of what HBO has done through Game of Thrones, we really believe that it would be more aptly named Shame of Thrones. It’s a place where rape and sexual violence is king.”

To see the full Dirty Dozen List and see how it is changing the behavior of those previously on the list, click here.

  1. Josh

    And people wonder why children get in to pornography before the age of 12 in this day in age you have kids starting younger and younger every day either they walk in to a room and see there parents on it or another family member or they accidentally find it with technology geting biger and better each time somthing new comes out its geting all to easy for kids to find it the sad part is that people and there perveted minds have started to take kids shows and use the characters from those shows to make pornographic pictures and sex stories so all a kid has to do it type in the name of a show and bam they are tuned in to porn or like as the example game of thrones show the makers work it in so smoothly that it seams almost harmless that show i feal like to a child shows a child to treat a women that way

  2. ...worse and worse

    What will the future become if regulations are not made and enforced to keep such material from being viewed? A person just can’t view this stuff time and time again without it having an impact on their mental state. What a travesty! You know though, those of us that are born again Christians should know that this is the way the Bible declares this world would go “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (II Timothy 3:13). Notice the “seducers”, well, are we there yet? What really gets me is the fact that some out there say “well, if you don’t want to buy it don’t”, have these been “seduced”?

    Thanks CE for letting us know and thanks for being blunt and not sugar coating what needs to be reported. Keep up the great work!!!

  3. Reality

    As always, if you don’t want to watch the show, don’t watch the show or subscribe to the channel. It really is that simple. Also, stop fooling yourself. What every you make taboo will flourish. Hate to tell you.

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