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Protect Your Kids 4 minute read

Google Is Not Parent Friendly

Last Updated: January 31, 2018

Google’s parental controls on YouTube and Chromebooks have never been amazing. However, a few recent incidents involving YouTube and some setting changes with Chromebook parental controls have made it more clear that Google is not parent friendly. Here are a few recent events and changes you need to know about, and how you can better protect your kids online in light of them.

Google Is Not Parent Friendly

YouTube and the Logan Paul Suicide Video

Controlling YouTube is a huge struggle for many parents. We’re stuck in a spot where our kids love watching certain videos, but every parent knows that if not controlled, YouTube also contains easily accessible horrible, dark, violent, pornographic content.

On December 31, 2017, Logan Paul, a popular vlogger and YouTube celebrity, uploaded a video of him venturing into Aokigahara (“sea of trees”), a forest at the base of Japan’s Mount Fuji, known internationally as an infamous location for people to commit suicide.

At one point in the video, Logan’s team showed a man who had hanged himself in the forest. Like much of Paul’s content, the video was seen by millions and received hundreds of thousands of “likes,” and instant backlash. Paul removed it days later, insisting that he was sorry and didn’t mean any disrespect, even though Paul joked, laughed, and wore a goofy hat while standing next to the suicide victim. And remember it wasn’t live–Paul’s team recorded, reviewed, and edited the content before uploading it (stories have also emerged that although Paul is shown to look shocked in the final, edited video, he joked about suicide in unpublished outtakes).

YouTube’s response has been slow, inconsistent, and of little comfort to concerned parents. Paul has been punished, by being removed as a Google Preferred video creator, which means Paul will no longer receive millions in ad revenue. They’ve also revoked contracts with Paul to produce original shows with him as a key personality.

But, what are they doing to protect kids? First, consider the numbers–there are over 300 hours of video footage uploaded to YouTube every minute! And, due to this insane volume, YouTube relies on algorithms to screen keywords, URL’s, and content for inappropriate footage. But, math and morality just don’t mix. And, in this case, the sheer quantity of content makes it impossible for YouTube to hire enough staff to review even a small percentage of the videos that are uploaded.

As a result of the Paul incident, YouTube has promised to hire more staff, have humans review more videos, and be more careful. But, it’s difficult for parents to think that their best interests are being considered. There’s just too much ad revenue at stake, driven by an unquenchable thirst for views. This has led some careful parents to conclude, “YouTube just isn’t for kids.”

Solution? Since YouTube’s parental controls vary depending on the device you might be using, it’s important for parents to have a keen understanding of how YouTube functions. This video can show you how to set up some parental controls on YouTube.

Second, it might be advisable for parents to ensure that all YouTube content is viewed through a filtered and monitored browser like Covenant Eyes, and eliminate YouTube consumption within the YouTube app. This provides the most insight for parents who want to engage their children in conversations about the types of content they are viewing while at the same time, eliminating most objectionable content.

YouTube Kids Is Not Always for Kids

In the fall of 2017, mommy bloggers took aim at YouTube Kids due to an enormous number of inappropriate cartoon-like videos that snuck their way past YouTube’s filters (see comments above related to algorithms trying to enforce morality). You might remember hearing the phrase “Elsa Gate” since many of these videos included thumbnail images and descriptions that looked like innocent Disney princess videos, but were in reality, a sick mix of adults in costumes and creepy cartoons with Disney-like characters doing weird and inappropriate things.

In all of the issues noted above, math, video quantity, and lack of human touch played a role in the situation.

Solution? This one is a little more difficult to solve, because many good parents thought they were doing the right thing by allowing their children to use YouTube Kids instead of YouTube. But, there are a couple of take-aways:

  1. Anything that says it’s for kids on the internet still has a profit motivation. Maybe I’m overly cynical, but everything connected to the web should be approached with a “verify before trust” mindset.
  2. No apps for kids until parents have completed vetted it. In my parent presentations through Protect Young Eyes, I tell parents about the “7-day rule.” This means that no kid should use any apps until parents have used it for seven days straight. Look for the pop-up ads on day four compared to day one (consider the recent revelation that 63 Google kids apps were displaying pornographic pop-up ads). What kind of language is used on level five that you didn’t see on level two? I don’t care what cartoon character is on the app! Seven days. Then, ask yourself, “Is my son or daughter ready for everything that I just experienced?”

Chromebooks Remove Supervised Users as a Parental Control

In a shocking move, on January 12, 2018, Google halted the ability to create new supervised users on Chromebooks, which was announced to all Google account owners only one week before. Existing supervised users and the related settings were frozen and the ability to see all visited URL’s by existing supervised users was eliminated, making parental controls built into Chromebooks almost negligible.

For parents of kids who use school-issued Chromebooks that must be monitored at home, this was a huge blow to their ability to block pornographic content and monitor their child’s activity.

Solution? I wrote an in-depth post at Protect Young Eyes about this issue, but the quick answer is that parents must enable router-level filtering and also now pay for a service to monitor Chromebooks until Google releases a replacement feature (which it has promised to do).

Conclusion: We’re Perplexed by Google

In the case of YouTube, due to its sheer size, its content just can’t be adequately monitored by the company. This leaves all monitoring up to parents. And, due to the variability in parental controls that exist across different platforms, parents must be very careful in allowing children to use YouTube unmonitored at all.

The Chromebook decision is a head-scratcher. We are patiently waiting for what they promise will be something “very special.”

None of us must ever forget that the internet might have been created as a place to transfer academic information, but it has evolved into something different. A place for the very best and very worst of humanity to freely share whatever they want.

  1. John

    Can Cov Eyes be installed on Chromebooks that are able to run android apps?

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi, John, no, currently, we don’t work on Chromebooks.

  2. I let someone use my Chromebook as a guest and weeks later to my horror a sex site came up when I started the browser. How could this happen? . I thought nothing was saved when in guest mode.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi, you’re right, that in guest mode, there isn’t supposed to be any history. Without knowing more, it’s hard to tell, but it sounds like you need a service to filter out the porn. Protect Young Eyes has some recommendations.


  3. Adi

    Many of the Google education features need to be available for families. It’s not like the infrastructure to support proper content management for minors doesn’t exist, it is just not made available to mere mortals. I struggle with parental control far too long, my conclusion is don’t get a Chromebook in a family setting – period.

  4. James

    Hi Chris, according to this April 2018 article, Google has introduced Family Link on Chrome OS: Does that change your assessment of parental friendliness on Chromebooks?

    Also, it seems like YouTube is also introducing new parent controls:

    It’d be great to hear your take on these.

    Separately, do you know if Covenant Eyes is working on a Chrome OS monitoring solution? The recent iOS VPN solution is great and seems like something that can apply to Chrome OS?


    • Chris McKenna

      Hi, James – yes, these are both very positive steps forward by Google. I wrote extensively about Family Link now works on Chromebooks here, if you’re interested.

      And, we did the same in updating our App Profile for YouTube Kids here.

      I’m pleased with both moves! I’m hopeful that the features available through Family Link on Chromebooks will extend to time controls, which only work on Family Link for Android.

      We don’t have plans at CE to create an extension for Chrome’s OS.


  5. Will

    Can you cut through some of this for me and tell me if I’m going to be able to filter my chromebook? I just bought a chrome book and when I went to download covenant eyes found that it does not work with Chrome OS. Is there another download or am I without protection? I’ll teturn the laptop if that’s the case.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi Will – Covenant Eyes does not work on Chromebooks.

  6. I was both happy and sad to find this post. I’ve been struggling for two months to find some acceptable replacement to Chrome Supervised Users. As a homeschool parent, my kids’ Chromebooks were an essential tool for education. With the SU accounts, I was able to block YouTube and then embed in a private (free) blog for my kids any videos I wanted them to see. As of this writing, I can’t find anything at all that will replicate that functionality. While I was hoping this post might provide answers, I was at least comforted to see that I wasn’t alone in being mystified at Google’s sudden decision to rip the rug out from under us. So discouraging.

  7. James

    Great article! One thing to note on solution point 1… It really tells us more about your personal views on capitalism. It is not a useful point.

    • Chris McKenna

      Ok, thank you James for your feedback. I’ve found that parents need to be reminded that capitalism doesn’t always encourage ethics. So, when it comes to the safety and protection of our kids online, we cannot trust any profit-driven organization to own any part of that for us.


  8. Christopher Lyons

    I just went to set up the parental controls for my son’s Chrome browser on his new HP laptop and was lost in finding out how to. I then discovered it’s no longer available. And to make things worse, its replacement won’t arrive until the end of the year. What are they thinking?! I’m honestly beyond disappointed in the utter ignorance of this decision.

    I’m regretting downgrading (due to trying to save costs) from an Apple laptop to a Windows based laptop for him. Apple is FAR superior with parental controls (among other things). I guess you get what you pay for.

  9. Brian

    “Chromebooks Remove Supervised Users as a Parental Control”

    I believe you can still use the excellent Google Family Link for Chromebooks. It works with my kids.

    • Chris McKenna

      Hi, Brian – I’d be interested to know how you’ve done that. Family Link does not (or isn’t supposed to) work on the Chrome OS and only works on Android devices. Supervised users that were created prior to 1/12 remain, just without any real functionality other than enforcing safe search. Please let me know if you are finding Family Link to work for the Chromebook because Google’s forums concluded that it would not.


    • Jennifer

      Google family link requires new google accounts. This is absurd.
      My son has an established gmail account and a school managed account.
      I need time limits so that he can use his chromebook for homework and not waste away his time watching videos on YouTube or gaming on Chrome.

      HE USES GOOGLE CLASSROOM – So I need to filter particular websites at study time as he needs to use chrome during study time.

      BTW this is not to replace parenting it is to remove the temptation of distraction which adults can barely control in themselves.

      Lack of supervised users if beyond upsetting. So simple – don’t fix what isn’t broken.

      Truly at a loss. This is technology here people!!!

    • ???
      Family link is useless.

  10. CynicalGuy42

    Back when TV was the dominant form of entertainment, parents knew what TV shows their kids were watching and some even limited the time spent watching. A similar approach could be taken with the Internet.

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