Help Others Restore Integrity Unfiltered Kit
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Giveaway: Win $250 of Porn Protection Education

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

We’re giving away 100 book and DVD bundles worth $25 each (yes, $2500 worth of stuff). Ten people will win 10 bundles each, and all you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave us a comment. In your comment, tell us what you would do with the 10 bundles. How would you put them to good use? Who would you give them to? How would you disperse them? Tell us and we’ll choose the best 10 comments as the winners.

Unfiltered Kit

Win 10 Bundles Worth $25 Each

Each bundle includes…

UNFILTERED: Equipping Parents for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography ($15.00) – This DVD is a parent workshop all about Internet safety and preparing children for our pornified culture. The film has been played in schools, churches, and in the living rooms of concerned parents. The DVD includes top Catholic voices speaking on the subject of pornography. Included with this DVD is the book, UNFILTERED: Protecting Your Family Online, a practical how-to guide on Internet safety.

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women who Turned from Porn to Purity ($8.96) – In this book you’ll read the stories of nine people whose lives were once devastated by pornography and how they found freedom in Christ.

Bought with a Price: Every Man’s Duty to Protect Himself and His Family from a Pornographic Culture ($1.00) – Bishop Paul Loverde first issued this pastoral letter six years ago, and recently it has been rereleased, updated and expanded. Covenant Eyes spokesman Matt Fradd, who was asked to write the foreword for this letter, says it “could not have come at a more critical time.”

Comment Below to Win

What would you do with 10 bundles? Who would you give them to? How would you personally use the resources? Tell us below. We’ll choose the best comments as the winners.

Last day to comment is April 1, 2014, at 11:59pm. We will announce the winner on April 3.

  1. Julie Brumley

    10 bundles each, I would pass these along to our parish youth group, our parish confirmation group leaders, my daughter’s Catholic High School priest and our parish school.

  2. This is great stuff. Very helpful in this fallen world.

  3. Michael

    I belong to an apartment of 4 men studying at Franciscan University. We are trying to help each other grow as real Christian men. I would take a bundle for myself, give three to my roommates and task each of us with giving the remaining 6 to someone who needs it most.

  4. Shira Black Wise

    1 to our church youth leadership, 1 for my bishop, 1 to my sister in law for her teenage kids, 5 to families with teens we are close to, 1 for my colleague who teaches a teen moms parenting class at our alternative school, 1 to keep for our family

  5. Our website got cut off, sorry. on facebook at St. Mary’s Youth Group

  6. My N.

    If I were to win a bundle, I would use 1 bundle for self use, and give the rest away to my local parish’s (know of 3 parish, 3 bundles each to each parish)

  7. Tessy

    I would LOVE to give one to a young man I know who is struggling with pornography addicting, then the others I would give to my brothers’ all boys Catholic Jr High and High school!

    • Christy

      We have an a good youth program at our local church, and our pastor has been asking for feedback to bring more solid Catholic teaching into our parish. I would take him up on his offer. I would plop down all 10 packages in front of him and the youth director and say, “Let’s start a class.” If they didn’t think they were ready for it, I would take it to another local parish that has an amazing youth program, run by Dominican priests and I know they would gobble it up. Several local parish families send their children to their youth program for they fear not the power of orthodoxy.

  8. Darleine Arce

    As the youth minister of a Catholic church, i am frequently exposed to the lives and problems that the young teens of our society are facing. Within our youth group program,we do what we can to educate our teens; however, most of them lack the confidence to come forward about their struggles with sexuality, chastity, and pornography. Often times, concerned friends are the ones who come forward, if they have within themselves the courage and trust to discuss such sensitive topics with me. If i were selected to win the 10 bundles, i would keep 1 of the bundles for myself as an educational tool to build into my youth group nights as a regular topic that we discuss, similarly to other topics like chastity, abortion, etc. However, the remaining bundles i would give to those parents whose teens i see struggling the most. Often times, those that jump from relationship to relationship aren’t focusing well enough on themselves due to peer pressure to “be with somebody.” Relatedly, those who are in frequent relationships feel pressured to act and perform and resort to pornography as an educational too l(albeit, not an accurate or healthy one to use). I would use the program as a “pay it forward” kind of program, where they would watch it, discuss it in their home with their kids, and then pass it on to another member of the community whose teens are struggling with the same, or who they personally know would benefit from the program Sometimes, having the words to discuss these issues with kids or young teens can be enough to deter one from becoming addicted. The goal behind this would be to empower parents and teens to discuss the effects that pornography has, and to discuss how big of an issue watching pornography can be. My hope would be that the teens would eventually be able to empower one another to keep each other accountable and on the right path towards chastity and respect for each other and their bodies.

  9. Sam Furches

    I am an elder of a Bible church in Lancaster PA, and I am also on the executive committee of the Christian Homeschool Association of PA. I would use one of the bundles personally by showing the DVD at our local church. I would donate a 2 bundles to our local libraries. I would share 3 bundles with 3 pastor friends to share with their congregations and I would make the other 4 bundles available through CHAP at our convention which draws 7000 homeschooling families from all over PA.

  10. Lisa

    This is totally awesome. I would give these bundles to my neighbors, my brothers, my sister, the youth minister at our parish, one to the director of RE and one to our Pastor. ( even though he is celebate, it may help him explain to kids the damage it does to you, (besides, its a sin, don’t do it.)

    And then, I would have to decide who I can borrow it from, lol. Peace

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