Help Others Restore Integrity Unfiltered Kit
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Giveaway: Win $250 of Porn Protection Education

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

We’re giving away 100 book and DVD bundles worth $25 each (yes, $2500 worth of stuff). Ten people will win 10 bundles each, and all you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave us a comment. In your comment, tell us what you would do with the 10 bundles. How would you put them to good use? Who would you give them to? How would you disperse them? Tell us and we’ll choose the best 10 comments as the winners.

Unfiltered Kit

Win 10 Bundles Worth $25 Each

Each bundle includes…

UNFILTERED: Equipping Parents for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography ($15.00) – This DVD is a parent workshop all about Internet safety and preparing children for our pornified culture. The film has been played in schools, churches, and in the living rooms of concerned parents. The DVD includes top Catholic voices speaking on the subject of pornography. Included with this DVD is the book, UNFILTERED: Protecting Your Family Online, a practical how-to guide on Internet safety.

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women who Turned from Porn to Purity ($8.96) – In this book you’ll read the stories of nine people whose lives were once devastated by pornography and how they found freedom in Christ.

Bought with a Price: Every Man’s Duty to Protect Himself and His Family from a Pornographic Culture ($1.00) – Bishop Paul Loverde first issued this pastoral letter six years ago, and recently it has been rereleased, updated and expanded. Covenant Eyes spokesman Matt Fradd, who was asked to write the foreword for this letter, says it “could not have come at a more critical time.”

Comment Below to Win

What would you do with 10 bundles? Who would you give them to? How would you personally use the resources? Tell us below. We’ll choose the best comments as the winners.

Last day to comment is April 1, 2014, at 11:59pm. We will announce the winner on April 3.

  1. Melanie Day

    I am a Christian that has been married for 24 years and have 3 sons. I have recently found out that y husband and one of my sons have had a big problem with porn and I want to protect them and my other sons from further harm by protecting our home. Would love to win all this information to help with this

  2. Rachael Martinez

    I would give one to my husband, my brother, his friend, announce on my facebook I have them to whomever needs one and the rest will go to parishes I attend. Also to my young cousins with no father figure in their life :/

    • Rachael Martinez

      of course after my husband and I are finished with these resources we will definitely pass them on! :)

  3. I work as the Chastity Education Coordinator for the Archdiocese of NY. I am currently organizing our first annual men’s conference which will be held in 2015. I would LOVE to have these bundles to raffle off as a way of advertising about our conference. Having these as free raffle prizes would draw men to get more information about not only our conference but the resources Covenant Eyes shares. I would also love to distribute a few copies to men on our leadership committee to spark ideas in the planning of this event.

  4. Larisa

    Our family is right in the middle of a few men in my life who struggle with pronogphy. My father in law is in prison for it. We as a family need help to overcome this sin in our family. I personally would love to get more info on this matter.

  5. Hello,
    I am the Education Coordinator and a Counselor at the Seattle Metro Teen Challenge and would love to incorporate some Pornography Protection Studies into our curriculum.

  6. I have a son that I homeschool. I would put one bundle to use in our household to protect my son, husband, and myself. I would give one to my church office, and the rest I would give to Village of Hope Orphanage and Maranatha Bible College for their library. I would put some in the church library as well. I also have a friend whose family has been struggling with the issue of pornography generationally. I would give her one for her and for her parents, and one to each of the grandparents in our family. Before I gave them out I would pray and make sure they were going to the right people, and then I’d pray that the materials would be used and that those listening would be impacted.

  7. John Nance

    I am part of a men’s accountability group. I would use these to give to some of the guys in the group in order to continue to help facilitate the further growth and study. As all of us continue in our walk with God and together in this real world struggle. I feel as though the most important thing is education and growth in a positive direction. And beside God and His Word, Covenant Eyes is one of the most valuable things that I myself use. I am really encouraged that this is offered and gives people the opportunity to be encouraged by not just Covenant Eyes but all those around who they can see are going through the same or similar issues as them. I know that it was a great relief of a burden upon myself when I learned that others are going through the same thing and actually want to be accountable and work on getting out of Porn addiction or completely be out of Porn addiction and continue to be accountable to those around them. So I would you these materials to help everyone around me by being able to provide resources for them to have.

  8. Henry Rodriguez

    I will use that material to bless people in Latin America, we don’t have many resources in Spanish. And I will also learn and apply them for my family, my life and my church.

  9. HNM

    Hi, I am a youth leader in my church and I have noticed that many young single and married men struggle with pornography and masturbation even as christians. So do I and I am ready to learn all ways of fighting this until I stand pure and be able to have a completely intimate relationship with God. I would share all this material with the men in my church as much as I can. I desire to see a generation that just genuinely loves God and values purity and I believe this will help us get there as we continue to trust God for total freedom from these addictions. Longing for freedom. Thanks for such an opportunity. God Bless

  10. Wendy Garner

    I hope this contest is not over. I would keep one set for our family & give the other nine to my brothera-in-law & then our pastor to share. Thank you!

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