Help Others Restore Integrity Unfiltered Kit
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Giveaway: Win $250 of Porn Protection Education

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

We’re giving away 100 book and DVD bundles worth $25 each (yes, $2500 worth of stuff). Ten people will win 10 bundles each, and all you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave us a comment. In your comment, tell us what you would do with the 10 bundles. How would you put them to good use? Who would you give them to? How would you disperse them? Tell us and we’ll choose the best 10 comments as the winners.

Unfiltered Kit

Win 10 Bundles Worth $25 Each

Each bundle includes…

UNFILTERED: Equipping Parents for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography ($15.00) – This DVD is a parent workshop all about Internet safety and preparing children for our pornified culture. The film has been played in schools, churches, and in the living rooms of concerned parents. The DVD includes top Catholic voices speaking on the subject of pornography. Included with this DVD is the book, UNFILTERED: Protecting Your Family Online, a practical how-to guide on Internet safety.

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women who Turned from Porn to Purity ($8.96) – In this book you’ll read the stories of nine people whose lives were once devastated by pornography and how they found freedom in Christ.

Bought with a Price: Every Man’s Duty to Protect Himself and His Family from a Pornographic Culture ($1.00) – Bishop Paul Loverde first issued this pastoral letter six years ago, and recently it has been rereleased, updated and expanded. Covenant Eyes spokesman Matt Fradd, who was asked to write the foreword for this letter, says it “could not have come at a more critical time.”

Comment Below to Win

What would you do with 10 bundles? Who would you give them to? How would you personally use the resources? Tell us below. We’ll choose the best comments as the winners.

Last day to comment is April 1, 2014, at 11:59pm. We will announce the winner on April 3.

  1. SB

    I would keep a copy for my family which includes 4 children ages 6,8,14 & 16. I would donate copies to a Celebrate Recovery group that I frequent and a separate CR group that I visited often. I would also give 2-3 copies to my Pastor for him to disperse. I work in a male dominant work force where pornography isn’t always shunned, I would leave one at my work site. I would hold onto another copy for myself to lend to friends as opportunities arise.

    Whether I win these copies to give out or not, thank you for doing this.

  2. JD

    It is right and good that we do everything in our power to protect, nurture and grow our children and young people to walk in the right pathway. There are more pitfalls for young people today due to being plugged in. That being said we must also protect ourselves. There is a big bulls eye on our backs because we are trying to walk the right pathway, that is straight and narrow. The problem is that we as adults, parents, father’s and mother’s keep falling off the path. How did Paul put it this way in Romans 7:19, New International Version (NIV) 19 “For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” Your resources are valuable so they can be used to strengthen us, to strengthen the broken and hurting among us, so that we can live in God’s forgiveness and renewal. I need this as much if not more than the next person, but as I say that I want the next person also to benefit from the resources. I would want the resources to be given out in a loving caring manner through our church and to friends. Our church has a library as well as a men’s ministry that would use them. We also have some men’s support groups that could utilize the. They will bless many lives and save children and hurting families.

  3. Kyle Marugg

    My friend and I are starting a campaign in our college to overcome pornography addiction. We attend Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. We have our first event this Sunday, and plan to have one more in the month, and perhaps even into the next school year. These materials would make great resources that college students could use as a reference and guide. Pornography and masturbation addiction is not talked about at all around our campus, so we are trying to shed some light on the issue to get people out of shame and into freedom.

  4. Tara

    I am one semester away from becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist. As a therapist, this type of resource is essential for marriages struggling with this. I would give these resources to couples that would benefit from this. I would also use these resources for my own home. I have a husband and 2 boys.

  5. Thomas Holwerda

    i would use this in our church. I have been so blessed by 2 other brothers who decided to be men and be honest enough to shed light on this area of their lives and I did as well. It has been a few years and we meet weekly, sometime multiple times a week, to hold one another accountable. There has been so much grace poured out and we have grown farther than i ever dreamed as far as being free from this sin and having true close brothers in faith. We have learned so much of the tools we can use for our computers and our phones and the roots of this sin in our lives that I want to share it. I know a lot of people had heard of these tools including covenant eyes but have lacked strong men in their lives to push them to use the grace God provides through these tools. I want to use these to share with young men and leaders in our church to bring more of a focus on this area … it truly is every man’s battle and we need to stand on the freedom in Christ. i think this could help.

  6. The problem however is that many parents either are not away of the dangers out in the digital world, feel ill-equipped to address the challenges, or both. With this in mind I have begun giving free, self-funded seminars on these topics (www. I am really keen to expand begin offering hands-on parental workshops – these bundles will make it much easier for me to do this.

    • My Posting lost some of the content, it should have read “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

      The problem however is that many parents either are not away of the dangers out in the digital world, feel ill-equipped to address the challenges, or both. With this in mind I have begun giving free, self-funded seminars on these topics (www. I am really keen to expand begin offering hands-on parental workshops – these bundles will make it much easier for me to do this.

  7. Barbara Thomas

    It has been laid on my heart to open a discussion group oat the chapel on our Air Force base about pornography and the toll it takes on individuals and families. The divorce rate in the military is extremely high,much of it due to pornography and other associated sins. I feel these packs would help address this issue. I would keep one for the group and give/ loan them to those who areinterested in learning more and turning their lives around. Please help!!!

  8. Gretchen Johnson

    YES! I’d love this!! First I’d take a pack for my family of 5. THEN I’d take the rest to church (I’m a pastor’s wife) and dole them out to whoever would like. I’m SURE many would be takers. We need this in the Seattle area!! Help! :)

  9. Kevin Thomas

    I am a student in India.In india almost all educated guys who have access to the internet is addicted to porn because it is freely available and is not blocked.The saddest part is that there is no one to reach out for a counselling in this matter.Though every priest know about this havoc, they never pay attention. The book DELIVERED was not even available in any book stores.If i get hold of some copies, all i can do is save some souls, of whom im sure of saving,my many friends who are desparate of this disgusting addiction but can not seem to find a way out.

  10. Marcus W

    These are all such great resources that I would share them with my parish and college friends who are struggling with this. Thank you for offering these great resources!

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