Help Others Restore Integrity Unfiltered Kit
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Giveaway: Win $250 of Porn Protection Education

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

We’re giving away 100 book and DVD bundles worth $25 each (yes, $2500 worth of stuff). Ten people will win 10 bundles each, and all you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave us a comment. In your comment, tell us what you would do with the 10 bundles. How would you put them to good use? Who would you give them to? How would you disperse them? Tell us and we’ll choose the best 10 comments as the winners.

Unfiltered Kit

Win 10 Bundles Worth $25 Each

Each bundle includes…

UNFILTERED: Equipping Parents for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography ($15.00) – This DVD is a parent workshop all about Internet safety and preparing children for our pornified culture. The film has been played in schools, churches, and in the living rooms of concerned parents. The DVD includes top Catholic voices speaking on the subject of pornography. Included with this DVD is the book, UNFILTERED: Protecting Your Family Online, a practical how-to guide on Internet safety.

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women who Turned from Porn to Purity ($8.96) – In this book you’ll read the stories of nine people whose lives were once devastated by pornography and how they found freedom in Christ.

Bought with a Price: Every Man’s Duty to Protect Himself and His Family from a Pornographic Culture ($1.00) – Bishop Paul Loverde first issued this pastoral letter six years ago, and recently it has been rereleased, updated and expanded. Covenant Eyes spokesman Matt Fradd, who was asked to write the foreword for this letter, says it “could not have come at a more critical time.”

Comment Below to Win

What would you do with 10 bundles? Who would you give them to? How would you personally use the resources? Tell us below. We’ll choose the best comments as the winners.

Last day to comment is April 1, 2014, at 11:59pm. We will announce the winner on April 3.

  1. Brad

    My accountability partner and I would greatly appreciate learning More about how to safeguard our marriages from porn.

  2. James Marcogliese

    I would distribute these resources to other Religion Department Heads in our Catholic School Board who can then share with their fellow teacher colleagues. I figure this way we could reach the 1000’s of students that we see here in Ottawa. I am also planning on putting together a professional development presentation for educators on this problem and would find it handy… Thanks and keep up the fantastic work!

  3. Lauren

    This is an issue close to my heart because I have had to help my husband battle against the evils of pornography. He discovered it at a very young and impressionable age and struggled for years on his own. Our marriage is stronger today because we have fought a winning battle against this horrible reality, but we would have never been successful if we had been fighting on our own. The Catholic Church has played a fundamental role in helping us to seek the help, forgiveness, and healing that we both so desperately needed! God has been so merciful on our marriage and i have already seen how He wants to use our experience to help others who are suffering the hell of pornography. If I recieved these packets I would use them first in my family to help reinforce the protection we have in place for my husband and our 3 sons, and also to educate us as to how to help and protect our sons within an increasingly porn accessible culture. Then I would reach out to those I know within our circle of family and friends who are struggling with pornography. I would give a packet to my childrens’ elementary school. I would give a packet to our church library. I would share one amongst friends with children. Most importantly, I would use the knowledge these packets would equip me with to be more vocal within my community about how important it is for everyone to take their heads out of the sand and realize that pornography exposure at any level, in any amount, in any form, seriously impacts the lives of this exposed… The impacts are always harmful, but there is hope! There is a way to fight back! There is the possibility of freedom and healing! God can do anything and my marriage is proof of that fact. I pray that He gives me every opportunity to help others to experience the same freedom and healing, and better yet, protection from such a terrible slavery.

  4. maryd3

    I have 5 sons and 1 daughter @ home over the age of 13. I could use these materials.

  5. Ryan

    Give them with my SAA brothers fighting the disease of addiction.

  6. Karen

    I would give some of them to the dozens of people I know who have struggled with porn and sexual impurity and then let the Holy Spirit tell me what to do with them which would probably mean hiding them in public places.

  7. What a great opportunity!

    As I am based in Northern Ireland, I would offer a bundle to the leaders of each of the main denominations in our country urging them to study and invest in the lives of their members!

    Here are the main churches & membership number which could be reached:
    Catholic Church – 738,033
    Presbyterian Church In Ireland – 345,101
    Church Of Ireland (Anglian) – 248,821
    Methodist Church In Ireland – 54,253
    Baptist Church – 18,513
    Elim Pentecostal Church – 12,000 (approx)
    Free Presbyterian Church – 10,068
    Congregational Church – 4,150

    Hope you consider my idea! Thanks :-)

  8. Teresa

    I would keep one set for myself. Give one to each of my friends who have children the same age as mine. Give one set to any of my family members who would like them. I would also donate a set to my child’s private school for their library and a set to circulate among the teachers.

  9. Travis Phillips

    I would keep one for myself and give the rest to a men’s small group I’m going to start.

  10. Hi,

    I’m a father of two babies: our first is a boy (s toddler) and our second is a one-month old baby girl. If I win these resources, I will use them to teach our kids about these issues. I will protect them by raising their awareness about the problem of pornography. I will also share them with our relatives and friends here in the Philippines.

    Thank you and God bless!

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