Help Others Restore Integrity Unfiltered Kit
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Giveaway: Win $250 of Porn Protection Education

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

We’re giving away 100 book and DVD bundles worth $25 each (yes, $2500 worth of stuff). Ten people will win 10 bundles each, and all you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave us a comment. In your comment, tell us what you would do with the 10 bundles. How would you put them to good use? Who would you give them to? How would you disperse them? Tell us and we’ll choose the best 10 comments as the winners.

Unfiltered Kit

Win 10 Bundles Worth $25 Each

Each bundle includes…

UNFILTERED: Equipping Parents for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography ($15.00) – This DVD is a parent workshop all about Internet safety and preparing children for our pornified culture. The film has been played in schools, churches, and in the living rooms of concerned parents. The DVD includes top Catholic voices speaking on the subject of pornography. Included with this DVD is the book, UNFILTERED: Protecting Your Family Online, a practical how-to guide on Internet safety.

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women who Turned from Porn to Purity ($8.96) – In this book you’ll read the stories of nine people whose lives were once devastated by pornography and how they found freedom in Christ.

Bought with a Price: Every Man’s Duty to Protect Himself and His Family from a Pornographic Culture ($1.00) – Bishop Paul Loverde first issued this pastoral letter six years ago, and recently it has been rereleased, updated and expanded. Covenant Eyes spokesman Matt Fradd, who was asked to write the foreword for this letter, says it “could not have come at a more critical time.”

Comment Below to Win

What would you do with 10 bundles? Who would you give them to? How would you personally use the resources? Tell us below. We’ll choose the best comments as the winners.

Last day to comment is April 1, 2014, at 11:59pm. We will announce the winner on April 3.

  1. leno

    I would give them to a couple friends and leave the rest for my parish youth and young adult group. After I read it just once of course.

    • Kathy Wynne

      I am a school nurse at a Catholic school in an urban setting . I know for a fact that by 8 th grade many kiids have already been exposed to porn via increasing access on mobile devices! We need to start with out 5 th & 6 th graders ! I am also mom to 2 boys aged 9 & just turned 11 ! Would love an educational instrument to start the process of keeping them pure :). I think offering some to our youth ministry ( parish school has 700 + students). Our priests could make copies available in the confessional and a copy for our church library !

  2. Joseph Antoniello

    Being someone who has struggled with porn addiction since the age of 11, I know the great hazard it causes. The pain of pornography is not only a spiritual battle, but a battle of the body against the spirit, against where we think we are with God and the broken life we actually lead.

    I will share these materials with friends whom I know struggle with pornography, as I wish someone had done with me so long ago.

  3. Alison

    If I won the pack of information to prevent porn being used I would give it to people on my community, our family counselor, our church library, and our regional city library. If there is video then I would keep one to spread the news about preventing ones kids from being exposed to porn.

  4. Meghann

    My father was addicted to pornography, and it profoundly changed the way he thought about everything. I’ll never forget asking him one time what he would do if the picture he was looking at turned out to be me, his daughter….would he throw the picture away? His reply, “not if you looked good enough.” Later on, I know he regretted many things, but his addiction to porn….never went away. What’s even worse, he exposed me to porn at a very young age, and it has had a profound effect on my life as well, and many decisions I’ve made were due to how that exposure forever changed the way I viewed myself and those around me. Thankfully, my life has also been changed by my relationship with Christ, His Church, and His Truth about love and the human person. What should have been a huge negative in my life, He has turned into a blessing. If I were to use these bundles, one would go on our home computer, and the rest would be used for our parish, and other surrounding churches.

  5. Sheila Sanchez

    I work at a Catholic School. I’d like to see the 6-8th Grade, as well as our church parish, use this as part of educating our children, boys and girls alike. Our bodies are temples and with today’s society they have no idea of what that means. Education is the key to abstaining from such things, that damages the soul, and perpetuates a cycle of sin.

  6. Phil Rosno

    My wife is a psychologist who counsels many people, young and old, who struggle with porn addiction. These would be a great resource for her to give away.

  7. Ofelia

    I will use this material with our teenagers. Our parish is located on the poorest side of town and could benefit from these resources. We offer our services little to no cost to our families….it will be of great help if we could get these resources. Thank you for the opportunity. We know God will select the one in most need! God bless you all….

  8. Ofelia

    I will use this resources with our teenagers at church. We are located on the poorest side of town. This resources will be greatly appreciated. We offer our services at little to no cost to our families. Our teens could benefit from this material for years to c

  9. Jay

    I would use them to help launch a men’s support group in my church (and community!) for men struggling with pornography.

  10. Eve

    I work as a psychologist for Catholic Social Services of Southern Nebraska. I would love to have these resources to share with clients! Many times people do not come to my office with pornography use as the presenting problem. . but often it is there fueling, if not directly causing, the referral problem! One of these bundles would be a huge blessing for my clients, many of whom could not afford to purchase materials on their own!

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