Help Others Restore Integrity Unfiltered Kit
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Giveaway: Win $250 of Porn Protection Education

Last Updated: June 6, 2024

We’re giving away 100 book and DVD bundles worth $25 each (yes, $2500 worth of stuff). Ten people will win 10 bundles each, and all you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave us a comment. In your comment, tell us what you would do with the 10 bundles. How would you put them to good use? Who would you give them to? How would you disperse them? Tell us and we’ll choose the best 10 comments as the winners.

Unfiltered Kit

Win 10 Bundles Worth $25 Each

Each bundle includes…

UNFILTERED: Equipping Parents for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography ($15.00) – This DVD is a parent workshop all about Internet safety and preparing children for our pornified culture. The film has been played in schools, churches, and in the living rooms of concerned parents. The DVD includes top Catholic voices speaking on the subject of pornography. Included with this DVD is the book, UNFILTERED: Protecting Your Family Online, a practical how-to guide on Internet safety.

Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women who Turned from Porn to Purity ($8.96) – In this book you’ll read the stories of nine people whose lives were once devastated by pornography and how they found freedom in Christ.

Bought with a Price: Every Man’s Duty to Protect Himself and His Family from a Pornographic Culture ($1.00) – Bishop Paul Loverde first issued this pastoral letter six years ago, and recently it has been rereleased, updated and expanded. Covenant Eyes spokesman Matt Fradd, who was asked to write the foreword for this letter, says it “could not have come at a more critical time.”

Comment Below to Win

What would you do with 10 bundles? Who would you give them to? How would you personally use the resources? Tell us below. We’ll choose the best comments as the winners.

Last day to comment is April 1, 2014, at 11:59pm. We will announce the winner on April 3.

  1. The packs will be used for my clients dealing with sexual sin in their lives. I am the Founder of Guard Your Heart ministries,a Pastor living with AIDS, so I know first hand the importance of this message.

  2. Jordan Coomes

    Oh what I wouldn’t do with these 10 bundles! As young parents, my husband and I would use these tools to inform/prepare ourselves, our household and our community of other young families to the battle of pornography. Also, in working in youth ministry I would better equip our young men and women in their very real fight with this giant. And lastly, with my husband as a planning committee member of our parish Adult Men’s Group, he would be able to share the very real and concrete evidence of this issue and help those who are/ have been/ or are being proactive in their struggle/temptation. What a beautiful gift you are giving people! We pray these bundles are put to the absolute best use! Blessings!

  3. I am the director of the Pure Initiative, a sexual risk avoidance program. We would use the bundles in our Connected Parents program. This is a program where we meet with parents to equip them to protect the hearts of their children and help them plan a life of purity.

  4. Jon Fincher

    I am currently a seminarian, studying to be a Catholic priest. For me, I think it is extremely important that I be aware of this issue and how to help men and women struggling with this issue. I would first use these resources to inform myself, and then I would pass on this information and these materials to individuals struggling with these very issues.

  5. RJ Chavez

    We have come to the point in our Confirmation class (I am our parish’s director) to speak to our teens about poignant issues present in their everyday lives, such as innate human dignity and the rampant abuse of that dignity through worldly evils like porn, warped perspectives of human love and sexuality, and what being a true Man (with a capital ‘M’ or Woman (with a capital ‘W’) means from a Christian point of view. This bundle will help us convey the great damage that lust and pride in our world has wrought and to uphold Reconciliation and ordered hearts as the solution.

  6. Mel Duchardt

    With a bundle I would use one set at home, to encourage my husband with his fight against pornography and to educate my own 4 children about the harmful effects of porn use and learn to protect them from it. I would donate the other sets to my church to give to families who are struggling with this as there are many in our church family. Our pastors are working to help families with this and these would be a welcome addition to their tools.

    • Chris Duchardt

      As Mel’s Husband I would keep one of these bundles for myself and our family (esp. my two boys as they grow up). I would then donate the other bundles to our church to distribute to youth, men and families as they felt lead or as the need arose. I do know of a few families in our church that are struggling with this as well and would probably give them a bundle as a gift.

  7. Raschelle

    With 10 bundles I would give them to the men in my life…boyfriend, brothers, dad, and cousins!

  8. Josette Urgino

    This would be a great and much needed resource for our community! We’d use it for parents’ formation, small groups and youth group and have it available for anyone to borrow!

  9. Well, I had 10 bundles, I would share with my mens’ group. I would keep a copy of unfiltered and bought with a price for my own resource library at home.

  10. Liliana

    I would give one to my husband, onre to each of my sons, and the rest to our church to use to help others in the same situation.

    • Julie Bradley

      I am a Director of Religious Ed at my parish. I would use one in my parish and give 1 to our diocesan religious Ed office to use & lend, give 1 to the leader of young adult ministry in our diocese for programming, give 1 to our diocesan youth ministry leaders to use for programming, and the others I would give to local catholic high schools.

    • Jim H.

      I lead our church’s Celebrate Recovery “men’s issues” small group. Recently, our group has outgrown the chemical issues small group. Most of the men that attend our group battle some form of sexual addiction. I also meet with a different group of married guys who are battling the tragic consequences of porn in their marriages. Needless to say, I would bless these bands of brothers with these materials. God Bless, Jim H.

    • Trudy

      As a mother, first grade teacher and theology of the body religious education teacher I come in contact with a wide variety of Christians. I would most definitely use the materials with my own family of 6. As well as share with other families. Our world is not a safe haven for our children and as parents and leaders we need to do everything in our power to protect our children.

    • Brian Fraga

      Pornography is a scourge affecting even many otherwise faithful Catholic men in our parishes. I would share the bundles with our men’s prayer group, as well as our Knights of Columbus council, which is very active in building up our parish life.

    • Brenda Sais

      I would give them to my priest to hand out in the confessional. So many struggle with this but rarely talk about it. After confession would be a great place to start again.

    • Leah Muon

      My youth church is currently talking about purity and everything that ties in together with it. There are many students who struggle with pornography, remaining pure. Many are broken, many are left believing they can never be pure again, others just seeking wisdom. The bible is the greatest source of wisdom but winning the 10 bundles for my youth church would give them a greater understanding and enrich there minds. Being teenagers in today’s society a lot of provocative stuff is not something we all seek out but come across, for example school, billboards and more. Eventually we seek them out. My heart is that we start guarding our hearts from anything that attacks our purity, we renew our minds and seek out Gods heart and not that of another man/women. Then I’d like to bless anothe youth church with the bundles and not just keep them to eventually dust. God is calling us to reach out to his sons and daughters walking in the darkness. I would use these bundles for the men in my church but also for the women. Through it all I wanna enrich my mind with porn protection so that down the road when I am to minister to someone. The Holy Spirit would just lead me to those struggling with purity and pornography.

    • Juan Flores

      I have 4 sons, an all male Confirmation II class, vocations committee with on-going youth vocations events and the list continues… who wouldn’t I give it to? :)

    • Lori

      I would use one for our family. I have four children 2 teenagers still with us in our home. The other two are young adults living on their own participating in this in some form or another I am sure. One son is enlisted in the army and married. The internet has definitely been the sourse of pollution for my children’s minds!! I am soooo thankful for covenant eyes. I only regret not having it 10 years ago. I would give a copy each to our adult sons, I would give a copy to a few of my teenagers friends parents to share with their families, I would give the remaining bundles to our church to use one as resource and others to struggling families. Our church – Calvary Chapel Santee – taught mens bible study on lust and handed out statistics on internet porn from covenant eyes as well as shared the great tools available from this site!! So I would definitely want to share it with my church body!!! Thank you for offer in this!

    • Tessy

      I would sent them overseas to Okinawa, Japan to my brother and his fellow US Marines! Oohrah!

    • 10 bundles? 10 students or 10 parents or 10 friends! Covenant eyes has been something I’ve been looking at for quite some time and would love the chance to actually use it!

    • Margaret Sukovaty

      This is such a gift and needs to be shared with as many people as possible.
      – I would give 3 bundles to my parish to distribute to those individuals/families who come to them for help and healing
      – I would give 3 others to families I know are struggling with pornography in their marriage
      – I would give 1 to my Husband’s Mens Group to supplement their knowledge in healing those with additions
      – I would give 1 to my Women’s Bible Study group to aid the classes that deal with pornography in the home
      – I would give 1 bundle to the local SAA (sexual addition anonymous) group
      – I would keep the final bundle for my family’s personal use

    • Marsha

      I used to be one of those people who did not see the harm in porn but I have seen the light…porn is one of the most damaging things in our society right now

    • Our church’s people, whether new, old, or somewhere in between could use the education, so it wouldn’t be difficult to use them in our junior youth, youth, young adult, and adult areas of ministry. That’s at least four pieces. I would definitely keep at least one in my family, send a few to some fledgling buddies, and be on the look out for others who might be interested in the material.

    • John Marasigan

      If I overcome pornography, I can fulfill my ultimate dream. I can get married and have children. Of course I can get married right now if I proposed to the woman I love. But truthfully, I can’t. Because getting married now would be spiritual suicide. There is no way I could allow myself to bring pornography into the life of my wife and children. I know the damage that pornography has done to me. I know what it has done to all my relationships. What I don’t know is how to truly overcome this battle. What would I do if I were given all this material? I think I would use it. I really think so.

    • nathan

      I have set up a private facebook group called last man standing for men who are seeking to pursue purity in this area. A national group was set up by some people years ago and now has over 2000 members. I have set up two regional groups with 50 and 30 people in. I would use the resources as part of the weekly competitions I run where I give away a resource to one person. The competitions are based around a question which the group are encouraged to all answer individually and one answer is chosen at random and the person given the book which they are encouraged to read and then pass on.

    • Patricia B.

      I would give one copy to my boyfriend and go through it with him. I would also give it to some very close friends I know who are struggling even while actively trying to stop. The rest I would give to my Youth Minister so to help in one of the talks given at our Confirmation Retreat.

    • Rudy Mahara

      I would keep one and invest the other nine in my Celebrate Recovery group. Some of us already meet and discuss books.this would be a great addition.

    • I am the director of youth and young adult ministry at St. Francis of Assisi in Lake Tahoe. I am also the director of basketball for boys from 6th grade to 12th grade (varsity head coach). I would use the bundle to make sure every single young man and young lady in our town was given the information they need to fight this disease. We are a small village town on the north shore of Lake Tahoe but this disease of pornography is running rampant in our town. This bundle would give me the opportunity to fight back against a culture of death. The bundle would give me a teammate to go along with the talks that we are already giving. Our kids would be able to go home with information to read on their own and truly help themselves fight against this evil. Thank you for doing this for all of us! God Bless you all and make it a great day, TK – Tim Kelly

    • Fred

      I would first read for my own benefit to overcome my own struggles, the better education I can receive the better I can help others. I would put some of the copies in church libraries. I would give copies to those who help people like me with issues with porn, in better educating them with new techniques, so that they can help people like me. not everyone is the Same.

      I have found this Site helpful:

      And for Catholic geared:

    • Pastor Shawn Rutan

      I would use them to start an accountability group for men struggling with sexual sin in our area.

    • I would give one set to my husband, one set to my son-in law and the rest to my church. We need something like this in our church so it can be taught to our congregation.

    • I would first study the resources myself so I can incorporate it into my teachings (I give talks in my prayer group), my catechism(I teach catechism to Confirmation Children). I also belong to a Lay Apostolate (first of its kind in the Gulf Region) called Holy Spirit Interactive. I would make these resources available in our Library and encourage parents and young people to use them. I would also develop a mini-workshop along with our Founder based on these resources for parents and teens in our community. When I visit India, I would like to spead the message and show the DVDs to my family and ask them to spread the message in their circle of friends. People in India badly need resources to protect thier children from pornography.

    • Justin Frazier

      I would use it to help me with my personal struggles, so that I could get myself to a point to help others.

    • Mike

      The reason that I want to get this offer, is so that I will be able to protect my family, my marriage, and my testimony to remain strong. If I win, I will give one to my accountability partner, to my close friends, and to family members to help each to stay pure, and Godly.

    • I am doing all I can to “sound the alarm” to parents, teens, and youth workers. I am a pastor’s wife and youth team leader. So I am very passionate about this subject. I have been on the front row seat of some very sad stories of young teens who got addicted to the internet, just because their well-intentioned parents were not educated on the dangers of internet freedom. I know teens who were lured by pedophiles and sucked into a secret life, never to be quite the same again.
      We are launching a strong purity campaign in our church, and I am often reminding parents on my Facebook page on things to be watchful for. I believe we can make a difference if we can just speak up and speak out. My husband hosts a ministry sight to those outside our local congregation, with hundreds of followers, and he has touched on the subject of pornography, and teaches to men in church retreats about pornography and sexual traps. He would be thrilled to share this information. I can’t wait to use the materials! If only we had these tools years ago!

    • Stephen

      As a missionary in Uganda, a country in Africa that is one of the fastest developing countries where it is becoming modernized and many latest fashions and fads are being copied into the culture, with the 10 bundles, I would distribute them to small groups I have encountered in the various churches in our neighborhood. I would host a training with youth leaders of those churches to have them experience and go through the bundles in order that they would, eventually, train the youth and give them the books/handouts in their churches to be more Christ-centered, Gospel-driven and Spirit-filled in their lives to stay pure and holy before the God they serve.

    • Karen

      I would use 1 for myself to further my education on the issue then give it on to a friend. 1 would go to my school’s campus ministry, another few to my LifeTeen group, and pray for guidance on which if my friends to give the remaining to. As a highschool female who has struggled with porn addiction, I know of well over 25 people whose spiritual lives and self esteem have been ravaged by it. I would keep 1 copy in my car until the Holy Spirit told me where to strategically place it in public!

    • Cindy

      I have quite a few young men in my life, particularly a few very close to me, so I know struggle with purity and have had issues related to pornographic images. I would give these resources to them! I also volunteer at my parish (we don’t have a youth minister), so I would give some out to youth who I work with. I also have brothers who do not understand how damaging porn can be – I would include them in my list of people to give resources to!
      Thank you for all the work you all do! :)

    • David

      We are about to head to Southern Africa to work with young men and refugees and so would use these resources with mentoring and pointing people to Jesus. I also have 2 sons and am excited to help them take steps in their lives to stay free!

    • As director of Free Indeed Ministries, I work with a lot of men seeking freedom from pornography and lust. I also train coaches to work with men (and women) struggling to overcome. I have an insatiable appetite for quality research and resources in the area of sex addiction. Your site is a gold mine of such treasures. Anything you want to sow into this ministry will be put to vigorous work setting captives free and training others to do so.

    • I will share the material with clergy and volunteer ambassadors in order to nurture faith community collaboration to increase awareness of the need. This awareness will equip us to host multi-site small groups, trainings, and teaching on how christ in us does far more than merely midify behavior. Christ becomes our life giving us true victory over sin

    • Logan

      Well I for one would keep one for myself because i do suffer from the burden of the sin of adultery then i would give a few to others whom suffer from this sin, give some to my parish, and study the word so i may know what i am speaking of when i try to help others

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