Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 4 minute read

Getting Honest: A Sex Addict’s Story

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

It was September 13, 1994. An eventful day that began like any other day. That day I had an unexpected meeting with our ministry director—a meeting that would change the direction of my life forever. The director, David, who oversaw our branch location in Jacksonville, FL, had an ashen appearance on his face, embarrassed by the new information about my behavior.

David informed me that he had discovered I was unfaithful to my wife and I could no longer work there due to my sinful behavior. Ironically, I felt a huge weight had been removed from my shoulders. My 30-year-old secret was out in the open. I sensed bringing my sin into the light would help me find some answers and get this habitual addiction out of my life.

I drove straight to my pastor’s office and proceeded to tell him everything. He was so kind to me. We set about a plan to tell my wife in his office. I brought my dear wife to his office after she completed her teaching duties at the local elementary school. She was very concerned—all my “running around” had seemed odd. In my pastor’s office I confessed to her about my termination and the reason the ministry had to let me go.

Rebuilding Trust

After I partially confessed my transgression to her, my wife and I spent a lot of time talking. I offered to leave, but she said no. “I want to observe you.”

She had a short list of things I needed to do to rebuild trust. One was daily prayer and couples devotions. Another was to tell her brother and sister-in-law and our daughter and son-in-law, as well as my mother (ouch). She wanted to be present at every one of those admissions. Also, she said I was to be “present” and “engaged” with her in meaningful conversations.

When I told my Pastor everything, I also told my best friend, a church deacon. I had confessed all of my sinful habits. Pornography at the age of 8, fantasy and masturbation during my teen years, hard core stuff 6 months after my honeymoon, along with xxx theaters, topless bars, and my first “one night stand” in my early thirties. From early on I had believed that if I went to church a lot and married the perfect woman, my problem would go away. At least that was what Playboy taught me.

My friend encouraged me to tell my wife everything and so we returned to the Pastor’s office. I answered every question truthfully, and my wife was assured (by our loving pastor) that she now knew everything. I was fearful of telling her everything because she might leave me. What I learned from her that day was that the sexual sin was bad enough—but lies and deceit would destroy our intimacy.

Unearthing the Root of My Addiction

I sat down with my counselor on day two of my dismissal from the ministry. He had known us for many years and helped us with our marriage. He was a real help to me. However, he felt I needed more intensive help and He sent me to see Dr. Mark Laaser. Mark and I developed a deep bond and close friendship over the years.

Dr. Laaser has taught me a lot, but there are two significant things I take away.

1. I acted out alone. I didn’t call my church buddies up and invite them to watch porn together (obviously). I was always alone in my sin, even when I was with another woman.

2. I was using sex and the internal pharmacy in my brain to medicate painful feelings I could not recognize. Often, God does not just “remove pain” in our hearts we do not recognize. God could have chosen to heal me without any effort or maintenance on my part, but instead God took me on a journey to uncover that pain.

Reflecting back on my first exposure to porn when I was 8 years old, I can see what a wretched sinner I was. A neighborhood friend showed me his dad’s “stash.” When he and his parents left for the evening, I went back into the garage for a second look. I looked up at the huge pile of magazines and decided my friend’s dad wouldn’t miss one magazine, so I stole it. I hid my “prize” in my bedroom only to have my mother find it that same night. So I did what every little boy does when he gets caught in sin…I lied. “I don’t know how that got there,” I said. I didn’t have a brother or sister to blame…I was an only child.

I had no awareness of Satan, nor of the origin of sin or the depravity of man. I plotted and schemed all by myself. That 8-year-old brain had a plan to commit awful acts of disobedience. At that young age, I became painfully aware of how lies will eventually get revealed. Unfortunately, I learned how to be a better liar instead of being a good little boy.

The Journey of Recovery

After I confessed everything to my pastor and my wife, I withdrew from all of my public responsibilities in church. I sat in the pew and just soaked in God’s Word, preaching from God’s servant, and the choir’s Heavenly music. I joined a 12-step group and met some wonderful friends who have been a part of my life for 16 years. I met my sponsor there and we have been together for 15+ years.

In 1996, Dr. Laaser started the Faithful and True support groups for men in the church. I decided, along with another friend to start meetings. Faithful and True of Jacksonville, Inc. quickly grew at a steady clip. We added meetings, got a telephone hotline, had a webpage donated by my church and a lot more. We have seen over 800 men come through our doors.

Often, when I reflect on my life, I would never wish for anyone to have suffer through 30 years of lies and sinful sexual behavior. However, I would never trade my recovery experience for anything.

Jerry Sinclair is a Marriage Missionary working for Faithful and True of Jacksonville, FL. Follow Jerry in LINKEDin.

  1. Jerry, it is so good to have men like you and women like your wife who have dedicated their lives to restoring marriages torn apart by pornography and sexual addiction. Unfortunately, there are too many states and cities with few or no support groups for men and women affected by sexual sin. I pray your story will prompt more to begin ministries like yours in their own area.

    • John,

      Thank you for those kind words of encouragement.

      Any man living in a city of say 100,000 or more should be able to start a group. Smaller communities are capable of hosting a group. However, we have found that many towns have the fear that everybody knows everybody’s business. So there is some hesitancy to attend a meeting in a small community. thus, we have men that will drive 40-60 miles to a meeting just so they can feel safe.

      God has blessed us over the years with a network of churches and counselors that have grown to respect our ministry. We have seen close to 900 men walk through our doors and to that end, we give God the glory.

  2. John

    Is there a FAITHFUL AND TRUE group in Ft.Worth, TX?

    • Luke Gilkerson

      @John – I recommend you call Faithful and True to see what workshops are available for you. 952-746-3880.

    • The ministry with the most information about support groups in the state of Texas is Be Broken out of San Antonio. Go to their website ( and see the list of support groups near you. You can even call them and talk. They are an awesome ministry!

    • John,

      I have found someone that may be able to help and there seems to be a support group. Contact me through the Covenant Eyes blog and I will get you the information.

      Jerry Sinclair

  3. John

    Thank you for sharing. I’m in trouble and have been for some time now. I’ve revealed, talked, cheated, and gone to a professional counselor. I take it our on my wife and have now moved out. HELP!!!!!

  4. Jerry:

    Thanks for sharing your story. Boy…I sure know the shame and the effort of keeping this thing secret and the weight that gets lifted off our shoulders when it is finally in the light.

    I have been involved in a Faithful and True group in my home town for 6 years now. It’s excellent stuff. It is impossible to explain to others how great it is to be a part of a group of men that understand the issues and accept me completely. I highly recommend it.

    • Victoryispossible,

      Thank you for your kind words. I am always interested in having a dialogue with other Faithful and True members throughout the country. Please contact me through Luke’s Blog or via my profile page on LINKEDin…Follow me on LINKEDin @

      God bless,

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