Help Others Restore Integrity
Help Others Restore Integrity 1 minute read

Get Our Federal Pornography Laws Enforced!

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

by Patrick Trueman

Did you know that Federal obscenity laws prohibit distribution of hardcore obscene pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, in hotels and motel TV, through the mail and in retail shops? Our nation is flooded with such material. Yet there have been no new obscenity indictments during the Administration of President Obama, and there were but a limited number during the Administration of President George W. Bush.

We have a right to have our laws enforced! You can help.

Senator Orin Hatch (R-UT), House of Representatives Mike McIntyre (D-NC) and Randy Forbes (R-VA) circulated a request to all other Senators and House Members asking they join in signing a bipartisan letter to Attorney General Eric Holder urging that the FBI and the Department of Justice vigorously prosecute major producers and distributors of illegal obscene adult pornography.

Please tell your two U.S. Senators and your U.S. House member to sign the letter. Send an e-mail to them right now by clicking here.

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This letter is from Patrick Trueman, former Chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section in the U.S. Department of Justice, from 1988 to 1993. He is now the CEO of Morality in Media.

  1. It is one thing to joke and make caustic (And Possibly true) remarks about Politics and Pornography on the

    Internet, but it is another to just brush off the devastating damage that this kind of material can have on the

    children of our Country. Remember Adolph Hitler? He was the one who insisted that young children be taught

    from an early age about the principles of Nazism because they can can be controlled so easily. This is where

    Nazism was founded in the late 20’s to 1945. We should learn something from Hitler’s theory and he proved it to

    be true because they were the most loyal to him throrought the grim aspects of WW2. Many young Germans

    believed in Hitler and died for him. We know how curious children are when it comes to sex. It is a deep urge

    and if allowed to grow unchecked can have tragic effects on the youth of our country for many future generations.

    Now is the time to take action against the purveyors of Pornographic photos on the Internet. They are only

    interested in money and profits, not First Amendment Rights. Let’s take our responsibilities seriously for once.

    • Luke Gilkerson

      @Rubert – Right on!

  2. Mark Pearson

    Woah, Brian. Interesting thoughts…. Would you like someone saying that all Brians love their prostitutes.

    I love this. Good ol’ government, fighting for what it was founded upon. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not porn. Happiness.

  3. Brian

    Haha . . . right. too bad politicians are all benefitting from it. Online porn is one of the most lucrative industries in the world.

    Online porn is like prostitution, and we all know how politicians love their prostitutes

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