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End Pornography and Sexual Exploitation

Last Updated: December 18, 2015

There is a battle in our generation: a battle against pornography and other forms of sexual exploitation. As President and CEO of Covenant Eyes, I invite you to join with me in this battle.

Please support the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

The NCSE in Washington D.C. is key player in working against this public health crisis of Internet pornography and sexual exploitation. The NCSE has had tremendous success this year, and I look forward to their success coming in the year.

One of the main things they have coming in the near future is their Dirty Dozen List. They identify 12 entities that contribute to pornography and sexual exploitation. They publish that list and through a variety of channels, including a very significant press conference, they educate the public about these organizations that are contributing to problem.

This initiative has had tremendous success. For instance, Google Play was on the Dirty Dozen List a couple of years ago. Google responded by recognizing that pornography is damaging and made it no longer available on Google Play. They met with representatives from Covenant Eyes and NCSE, and the next day after that meeting, all pornography was gone from Google Play.

Will you join with me please in working against this issue of Internet pornography and sexual exploitation by supporting the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

  1. Emjay

    When your mistakes has involved a living being. understand that it is one natures work and the nature is innocent.

    John and Jane had a daughter Jenny. Expectedly , without a regret they became happy and and cared for her till she had her own new family and a wonderful life.
    John and Jane were never pornstars , and they had Jenny their Joy.

    Now compare that with June, a pornstar with a child named Jake from a mistake of her past.
    UNEXPECTEDLY, she took care of Jake just as Jenny was taken care of and was guarded with the perspective directed toward decency. she quit pornograhy earlier, and have went for a decent one.
    And if Jake grew up to be the best thing that has hit this planet it isn’t that a good thing can come from things pornography , it is that a decent lifestyle makes life decent. remember the word UNEXPECTEDLY?. The transformation that took place was an integration in the line of decency.
    No right minded woman walks down a dangerous street to get pregnant. Money is different.

    • Emjay

      You see, there is
      something about the
      money made doing the
      wrong thing.
      whatever it is, it stands
      guard upon your mind and make sure you see
      the right way to live as
      something you’ve
      missed a can’t get back
      to because it is so
      perfect and innocent to have again with your
      filthy state.(just like the
      precious times :
      Solution is to find
      another way to earn money thats good and
      respected. spend the
      money you have earned
      at a bad job on things
      that does not last, like
      food and other materials that spoils fast.

  2. What I See

    Oh yeah one more thing — I want you to understand the magnitude of what I am talking about. I know a dancer who worked at the Pink Pony in Atlanta. That is a strip joint. She had a home in Hamilton Mill. Hamilton Mill is an exclusive neighborhood outside of the city. Her home was worth over $1 million dollars and she owned it. That is how much money she had. She could have easily sold that home. Moved into a smaller one and been set for life. She would have had more money than most people who worked their entire life!! But she didn’t. She kept stripping because she wanted to.

    I knew another girl that would make $50 grand a weekend under the table to entertain in exotic locales around the world. One night’s worth of work. Having fun and having sex.

    Those girls do not want to be rescued. Want to know when they want out? When they can no longer do what they want and some younger girl is taking what is theirs. Then they claim they are victims — but they never claimed that when they were pocketing the massive amounts of money they were making.

    • Emjay

      You see, there is something about the money made doing the wrong thing.
      whatever it is, it stands guard upon your mind and make sure you see the right way to live as something you’ve missed a can’t get back to because it is so perfect and innocent to have again with your filthy state.(just like the precious times : CHILDHOOD).
      Solution is to find another way to earn money thats good and respected. spend the money you have earned at a bad job on things that does not last, like food and other materials that spoils fast.

  3. What I See

    By the way Jeremiah, I too have dated and know porn stars. They make their choices. Many make tons of money and literally make more money than people with college degrees and 15 years of experience. I lived in Atlanta. Some of the nicest homes in the nicest neighborhoods are owned by porn stars. If they save, the could get out at any time they want. But they don’t. None of them want to go work a 9 to 5 job. In fact, I know professional women who work 9 to 5 and who do porn because they WANT to. These women work at major companies to. Like Bell South and Verizon and others.

    Also, when I was a young man, I was the ultimate “nice guy”. I tried to “save” those girls you speak of. Trust me, they don’t want to be saved and will walk all over you in a heart beat. We never talk about that do we? All the good guys those women treated like crap for years. We just so “oh you poor girl — you had such a tough life” ……. well what about all the lives THEY DESTROYED. All the men they had such little regard for. Nah. We never talk about that do we?

    If you want to save those girls, more power to you … but in the end, you will be the one who suffers.

    • Here’s where we disagree. You seem to be paining porn stars with a broad brush. It’s more multifaceted than you let on. Also, the fact that the vast majority of women in porn don’t last much longer than 6 months in the industry, I would say the opposite is true: most girls want out and actually get out.

    • Juliet Ezeani

      Some people get it wrong. Many will not realize what they do is wrong. But I am against making pornography so available that children are exposed. it messes with their heads and their understanding of sex. it should be banned and network providers should be fined heavily if they allow it through their networks. let us protect the children from this evil!

  4. What I See

    What I see is a lot of women willingly using sex to get what they want. I mean the evidence is literally right before your eyes and in all facets of life. Women are the weaker sex, but more beautiful. They use their sexuality to manipulate. Even the prim and proper Christian girls use sex to get what they want. They withhold it until marriage. At the end of the day, it is all about sex and manipulation.

    Want this to all end? Stop making sex taboo. Trust me. Once you have sex with a woman for a while, then you really start to think about if you like her. Not the other way around. But really, this never ends because we always look at women as victims and in reality, they most decidedly are not victims at all. There are more programs than you can imagine for women in our society. More benefits. From training to school to scholarships to literally placing them in jobs due to hiring quotas — they have every opportunity not to use sex. But they still do. And they always will.

    You guys believe in the bible completely right? What do you see time and time and time again. Women who tempt. Women who use sex. There is nothing new under the sun it says. Well that is right. It doesn’t end until we hold women accountable which of course — we never do. That isn’t PC in America.

    • We don’t disagree that women should stop flaunting their sexual prowess, but both genders should be held accountable for their own wrongdoings. A woman who is guilty of immodest, shameless, or seductive behavior is still guilty—but she is guilty of her own sins, not the man’s lustful thoughts or behavior. Men and women should both be held accountable for these things.

      We also agree we should not make sex taboo, and there have been many times in the past when individuals have been unduly suspicious of sexual pleasure. We should not make it sound as if sex is evil—because it isn’t—but this is one of the reasons why Covenant Eyes exists. We work with hundreds of churches all over the world who are speaking in honest, refreshing ways about sexuality and why pornography is a cheapened form of it.

  5. Brian

    Considering the fact that the vast majority (my sister is one of them) of porn stars actually enjoy what they do, I’m afraid to say that you are fighting a losing battle against pornography.

    • I’m not sure how big of a factor that is in the specific battle the Dirty Dozen list is fighting. That list is going more after corporations, not individuals.

    • Sorry, Brian. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You merely have to Google “retired porn actress interview”, and you’ll see that many of them never would have gotten involved in the industry, in hindsight. For those that don’t end up having physical problems for the rest of their lives, the others end up feeling completely worn out to the ideas of healthy sexual relationships. These women are abused and demeaned on a regular basis. You could ask your sister about it in another 20 years, but by then it will likely be too late.

  6. This is definitely worth fighting for. Though I am going through too much with my family to support this much right now, I feel very led to figure out a way to get involved in the not too distant future. No more exploitation of children and women that have no choice but to be sex slaves. No more feeding this beast that kills relationships and purity by exploiting women who are abused repeatedly by the industry. No more supporting an industry that trickles much of its money into the global sex slave trade, where little girls are sold to big hairy men, who often times abuse and even kill them. Should the innocence of these little girls be so easily thrown on the trash heap of our lust? Anyone out here man enough to stand with me in this and start talking about it, starting acting out against it???

  7. Mark L.

    Mr. DeHaas, thank you for standing up and sharing the message of the NCSE and for developing the concept of Accountability Software. We need to take action against this extreme issue to protect ourselves, our families, and our culture!

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