Defeat Lust & Pornography
Defeat Lust & Pornography 1 minute read

Breaking the Silence

Last Updated: April 2, 2024

Women addicted to porn speak out

Do women struggle with porn? My friend, Crystal Renaud, talks here about her struggle for the Scratching the Surface documentary. (Please note, this video discusses mature content. Viewer discretion is advised.)

One of the things Crystal says here is that porn filled a void of intimacy for her. She was pursuing a thirst for intimacy in a sinful way. From the age of 10 she “played pretend,” not with Barbie dolls but with porn stars. She pretended to be these women on screen and became absorbed in a world of false intimacy.

For her the “way out” was breaking the silence, entering a life of raw and authentic accountability. This helped in two ways.

  1. A lifestyle of accountability helped her to establish a new habit of repentance and confession. In this she began to experience the promise of James 5:16: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”
  2. A lifestyle of accountability opened doors to true intimacy with people, thus replacing the false intimacy of porn.

Thanks, Crystal, for your brave confession and your ministry to women.

  1. Kathy

    Today, i NEVER LOOK AT PORN….my husband gives me all my sexual needs…..but the images are horrible and seem to be permanent. Years ago, like in the 90s, i asked a pastor what happens when women were into porn–he said it was RARE and the women was far ‘gone’ but not impossible for GOD to reach…like i said before…I HAVENT LOOKED AT PORN IN YEARS….i replay images in my head often…I need help with the old images..

  2. Kathy

    I saw my first porn image in 1970. My girlfriend stepdad had a stash of porn and we both snuck it. I was in 6th grade. I didnt know others were in the same place. even my husband, who was marrried before DIDNT HAVE THIS PROBLEM. One thing he did, was protect his mind. We together found a book somewhere. We both turned from it, and without looking at it, he crumbled it in many pieces. I still struggle with images of porn movies and mags….what is good, i notice, is when guys dont look at it, have more sex with their spouses. I’m hearing such sadness: pretty young women have husbands who hasnt had sex with their husbands in MONTHS…thats a sign: most men seem to want it every 3 days or more, if they dont. they could be masterbating.

  3. Rachel

    I need help.

  4. me

    I think I’m addicted to porn. I’ve never been in a relationship, I have low self esteem and I am very depressed. I want and I’ve tried quitting but I’m still hooked.

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