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Articles by Ron DeHaas

Ron DeHaas is the president and co-founder of Covenant Eyes. Ron has a BS and an MS in Geology from The Ohio State University and attended the University of Michigan as a Ph.D. candidate. Ron pioneered the concept of Accountability Software and founded Covenant Eyes in the spring of 2000. Today, nearly half a million subscribers enjoy the Screen Accountability that Covenant Eyes provides. Ron also founded Nehemiah Ministries, a 160-acre retreat and counseling center in south-central Michigan for pastors and missionaries.

Introduction Video to Marmot Day

Well, the first of the Marmot Day videos is up on YouTube. It is not being entered in the contest.  Rather, it is an introduction to Marmot Day and features Ce Marmot (Covenant Eyes’ marmot)…

What Is This "Marmot Day" Thing?

Seven years ago, a very good friend was going through a tough time, and we decided we needed to lighten things up.   It was one of those funny conversations that goes from nowhere to nowhere…

I Had a Dream…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I just had to add this one.  If you have not seen this video, it will charge you up!  There’s a little Susan Boyle in all of…

Building a Bridge With a Son Through Accountability

One of the key aspects of accountability is that it opens doors for communication.  It “breaks the ice,” so to speak.  It does this even for people who never get a highly rated site, simply…

A Father-Son Relationship Strengthened Through Accountability

Recently, a Covenant Eyes member told me a story that has been repeated quite a few times over the years.It is a story of a father and a son. The father (“Max”) and his 14-year…

My journal

I mentioned earlier how I had lost my family in a car accident.  Here is my journal from that time: https://www.covenanteyes.com/files/other/journal.pdf You have my permission to print it and copy it freely, so long as…

A Survey on Accountability

I had the opportunity to take a survey of a select group a few months ago, and I think the results are interesting. The group consisted of over 2000 staff members of an established worldwide…

The Perfect Sin

As my personal burden for the issue of internet pornography has grown, I have seen in the testimonials of our members how pornography has broken relationships. It breaks down relationships between husbands and wives, parents…