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Articles by Moriah Bowman

Moriah Bowman has been using Covenant Eyes since childhood. As a member of the Covenant Eyes team, she is passionate about writing and fighting pornography in the millennial generation. Moriah has a BA in political communications and plays an active role in fostering children of all ages who need a temporary safe home.

Image for article: Porn: All Bad, All the Time

Porn: All Bad, All the Time

Growing up, I never once looked at porn. I didn’t even “stumble” across it, even to this very day at 24 years old. So, you’re probably wondering why I, a woman who has never once…

Image for article: What the Bible Says About Pornography: 6 Important Teachings

What the Bible Says About Pornography: 6 Important Teachings

What does the Bible say about watching pornography? I’ve searched my concordance and it’s nowhere to be found. But the Bible still has plenty to say about it. The word “pornography” is actually a combination…

Image for article: The Pornography Pastor: Nick Stumbo’s Story

The Pornography Pastor: Nick Stumbo’s Story

When Nick Stumbo first encountered porn at the age of 10, he immediately knew that it was shameful and secretive. Like most Christian homes at the time, the topic of sex was taboo. Aside from…

Image for article: Flying Solo? You Can Still Quit Porn.

Flying Solo? You Can Still Quit Porn.

Want to know one of the toughest parts about quitting porn? Being honest with someone else about your struggle. Many, many people get stuck on this step. They feel trapped in a cycle of shame…

Image for article: Generation Porn: Single and Too Addicted to Mingle

Generation Porn: Single and Too Addicted to Mingle

I had the “perfect” Christian upbringing. My dad was a pastor, and our family’s faith was strongly integrated into every aspect of our life from day one. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior…