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Articles by Matt Fradd

Matt Fradd is the author of Delivered: True Stories of Men and Woman Who Turned from Porn to Purity. After experiencing a profound conversion at World Youth Day in Rome in 2000, Matt has worked through full-time lay ministry in Australia, Ireland, Canada, and Texas. He has served as an apologist for Catholic Answers and has traveled all over the world, speaking to tens of thousands of teens and young adults. He and his wife Cameron have four children and live in North Georgia.

Image for article: Porn Myth #4: Porn is mature, “adult” entertainment

Porn Myth #4: Porn is mature, “adult” entertainment

Pornography is often classified, along with other sexually oriented businesses, as “adult” entertainment—something for “mature” audiences. If these descriptions merely meant these kinds of entertainment are “not suitable for children” then few would protest. That…

Image for article: From Slavery to Sonship: How the Porn Prodigal Came Home

From Slavery to Sonship: How the Porn Prodigal Came Home

The following is an excerpt adapted from my book, Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned from Porn to Purity. The excerpt is by Joe McClain. There was a man who had two sons;…