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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

CS Lewis on Lust

What CS Lewis wrote on lust in The Great Divorce

Interview with David Erik Jones – Pastor and Former Porn Addict

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 3 [display_podcast] David Erik Jones is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Jayton, Texas. David is the author of My Struggle, Your Struggle, a frank and honest book about…

Mars Hill Church Helping US Soldiers Not to Be "Porn Again Christians"

“I grabbed Porn Again Christian and never put it down. I needed that book, and most of the guys I work with need it as well. I think there is a tendency in our desensitized…

Single and Struggling with Lust

Recently I received an anonymous email from a single man about his struggles with lust. He asked for prayer regarding his lust, and he made it clear how difficult it was to have a “normal”…

Interview with White Collar Sideshow (Part 2) – How the band came to be

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 2 [display_podcast] Today we will be continuing our interview with T and Veronica Benton. T and Veronica are no strangers to the devastation that pornography can cause in a marriage.…

Image for article: Crucified with Christ: Overcoming Sin (A Review)

Crucified with Christ: Overcoming Sin (A Review)

“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son…

Image for article: Crucified with Christ: Overcoming Sin (Part 7)

Crucified with Christ: Overcoming Sin (Part 7)

“Calvary is the place where all the evil in our shabby selves tries to hold its own against God, and thus provokes the thunder of resurrection.” (Brennan Manning) There are two ways to see the…

Interview with White Collar Sideshow (Part 1) – T Benton's porn addiction testimony

Married couple shares about how pornography affected their relationship, and how they broke free

Image for article: Porno, Saint Nate, and the Pirate Monks

Porno, Saint Nate, and the Pirate Monks

Former sex addict, Nate Larkin, shares his story of seduction of triumph