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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Anne Jackson speaks on porn addiction in women

Here’s the latest video from Out of Ur, the Christianity Today blog. Read Anne Jackson’s article about her porn addiction. Also, check out the new site, Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts, to take their…

The Porn Addiction Cycle

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 6 [display_podcast] Mark Kastleman is the author of The Drug of the New Millennium, a book about how pornography use affects the brain. In today’s portion of the interview Mark…

Your Brain on Porn – Interview with Mark Kastleman

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 5 [display_podcast] Mark Kastleman is the author of The Drug of the New Millennium, a book about how pornography use affects the brain. In today’s portion of the interview Mark…

Blame it on the Brain? – The Science of Porn

In today’s world we’ve got pornography down to a science . . . literally. Never before has there been so much research available about pornography’s affect on society. On this blog we look at a…

John Freeman of Harvest USA speaks on sexual brokenness in the church

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 4 [display_podcast] Today on the Covenant Eyes podcast we interview John Freeman, president of Harvest USA. For a quarter of a century Harvest has been equipping the church to bring…


Special thanks to our friends at Freedom Begins Here for their new vlog on sexting.   Read more about sexting

“I’m a church leader, and I look at pornography. Who can I talk to?”

One survey suggests that over 50% of pastors believe pornography temptation is the #1 sexual issue damaging their congregations. Other surveys suggest that over 50% of pastors themselves experience this same temptation. Many church leaders…

Image for article: “No matter what I do, I can’t stop watching pornography. What do I do?”

“No matter what I do, I can’t stop watching pornography. What do I do?”

Pornography is a hard habit to break, but freedom is possible. Below are some resources that we hope will help you on your way. Articles for Men: 3 Biblical Strategies for Fighting Lust, by Luke…

“My husband watches pornography, and I want him to stop. Who can I talk to?”

I Need Help: Resources for wives of porn addicts