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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Women Tempted By Porn – All next week on Breaking Free

Since my first article on this subject over a year ago, we’ve received more and more requests for us to cover this topic in depth on Breaking Free. Next week we will be doing just…

Image for article: The Beginning of My Freedom Journey from Pornography

The Beginning of My Freedom Journey from Pornography

A lot of people do not want to take the step of getting accountability software on their computers and other devices. For some, that’s too radical a step to take. But for others accountability software makes…

Is Porn the "Other Woman"?

The American Family Association of Indiana (AFAIN) has been splashing these billboards throughout their state: AFAIN Executive Director Micah Clark comments, “Men may not see it this way, but women I’ve talked to who have…

New study links teen sex and porn sites

A recent study published by The Journal of Adolescent Health discusses the correlation between sexually explicit websites and sexual attitudes and behaviors in teenagers. “Of the participants, 96% had Internet access, and 55.4% reported ever…

Interview with David Blythe – Pastor and Former Porn Addict

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 26 [display_podcast] Today on the Covenant Eyes I will be playing my interview with Pastor David Blythe of Phoenix First Assembly. David is the author of The Secret in the…

John Piper on Fighting Lust – ANTHEM

This short article is from the minsitry of Desiring God, available in their online Resource Library. I have in mind men and women. For men it’s obvious. The need for warfare against the bombardment of…

Does Your Accountability Group Make You into a Wimp or a Bully?

If you are a Christian man, I highly recommend reading the free e-book, Fight Clubs: Gospel Centered Discipleship. This new book, published by The Resurgence and written by Pastor Jonathan Dodson, has some of the…

13 Ways to Ruin Your Life – Interview with Jarrod Jones

Check out this short interview of our friend, Jarrod Jones, on the 700 Club. He talks about his free e-book, 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life. Great book about breaking free from lust.

Podcast: Rethinking Youth Ministry

Covenant Eyes Podcast – Episode 25 [display_podcast] Today we’ll be playing our interview with Steve Wright, the author of reThink. He is also the administrator of LastingDivergence, a blog and social network built around encouraging…