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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Pornography Awareness Week 2009

This week is national Pornography Awareness Week, also called WRAP Week (White Ribbons Against Pornography). Last year we published a number of posts in honor of this week, and this year we are doing the…

Image for article: Facing Temptation (Part 2): The Second Adam

Facing Temptation (Part 2): The Second Adam

I was involved in a Christian “accountability group” a while back that involved the predictable features: a short prayer to christen the meeting, a goofy icebreaker, a 30-minute teaching from the Bible filled with practical…

Pure Life Ministries – Helping men and women turn from sexual sin to God

We recently had a chance to visit Pure Life Ministries headquarters. What an amazing place! Pure Life Ministries serves Christians dealing with sexual sin. They have a wide range of services: Live-In Program – This…

John Piper on Why We Need Accountability Groups in the Church?

John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church has a vision for accountability and small groups in his congregation, and it is not a tame vision. Below is a segment from a message he preached over 20…

For Spouses: Dealing With Pornography and Internet Addiction

Stephen O. Watters’ articles about pornography addiction are available on the Focus on the Family website. This is good reading for anyone who struggles with habitual porn use, cybersex, or for spouses of those who…

Marge Simpson Appears on the Cover of Playboy

In an effort to attract “younger readers” Playboy’s newest edition features the cartoon mom from one of the longest running TV shows of all time—Marge Simpson. The cover of the magazine features a nude Marge,…

Magic Rings and Internet Porn

Many thanks to Pure Life Ministries for publishing my article, “Internet Porn, Magic Rings, and the Secret of Obedience.” It is a real honor to work with a ministry that was so instrumental in my…

Image for article: Facing Temptation (Part 1): The Sympathizing Savior

Facing Temptation (Part 1): The Sympathizing Savior

He calls me crying for the third time in a week. “I don’t understand,” he says, “Why do I continue to give into temptation every time?” Despite repeated uses of filters, accountability, and rigorous Bible…

Porn Problems with Employees at the National Science Foundation

A recent article in the Washington Times shares the startling information about the ridiculous amount of tax dollars that are wasted on government employees accessing porn at work. The agency inspector of the National Science…