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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

Tal Prince's Story: boasting in my weaknesses

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 43 [display_podcast] This week we are featuring a series of podcasts for pastors and other ministry professionals who are secretly struggling with pornography and other sexual temptations. Today we will…

Nate Larkin’s Story: being a pastor with a porn addiction

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 42 This week we are featuring a series of podcasts for pastors and other ministry professionals who are secretly struggling with pornography and other sexual temptations. Today we will hear…

Help us with a new pornography addiction study

Thanks to the Internet, the rise of pornography is undeniable. Even the trade organization of pornography industry has stated, “The adult Internet is the fastest expanding segment of the U.S. adult entertainment market.” Fortunately, there…

More Reasons Why Christians Should Appreciate Hanukkah

Hanukkah is upon us again. For many Christians this holiday has little to no significance, at least not like Easter or Christmas. Hanukkah has never worked its way into mainstream Christian social culture.   Last…

Image for article: Facing Temptation (Part 7): The Word Made Flesh

Facing Temptation (Part 7): The Word Made Flesh

In this series of posts we’ve explored in depth the temptation accounts of Jesus (Matthew 4 and Luke 4). We’ve done this to not only understand how we might win in the face of our…

John Piper on Pornography and Unbelief

A little over a month ago I sent a few questions to Desiring God, and they were kind enough to let John Piper answer some of them. Below is a video response to my question,…

Supply and Demand: Porn and Sex Trafficking

PureJusice is a part of a global movement to deal with both the supply and demand side of sex trafficking, which is “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose…

Film Review: Willful Entrapment

I just had the privilege of pre-screening the new short film, Willful Entrapment, a visually gripping movie about a mind-warping porn addiction. Jayson McDonald plays Alan, a quiet, unassuming bachelor whose secret obsession with pornography…

Image for article: Facing Temptation (Part 6): Idols of the Heart

Facing Temptation (Part 6): Idols of the Heart

I am a forgetful person. Just ask my wife. There are times when my forgetfulness is baffling. But forgetfulness is not always an involuntary thing. Many times it is something we choose to do so…