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Articles by Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson has a BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies and an MA in Religion. He is the author of Your Brain on Porn and The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Luke and his wife Trisha blog at IntoxicatedOnLife.com

How the Cross Sets Us Free from Porn

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 72 [display_podcast] “Sex has become the religion of the most civilized portions of the earth. The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of…

Family Unplugged

Is technology enhancing or inhibiting our ability to relate to one another? Some scientists believe our wired culture is changing the way we think and behave—and we may be paying too high a price in…

Red-Light District Online: What do you think about the .XXX Domain?

The .XXX domain is one step closer to approval by ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Once approved, .XXX will join the top level of domains, next to .COM and .ORG. After…

Porn Problems in the Church – Interview with Dr. Mark Laaser

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 71 [display_podcast] This is my interview with Dr. Mark Laaser of Faithful and True Ministries. Dr. Laaser is a pioneer in the field of sex addiction. Today I will speak…

Image for article: This is Your Brain on Porn: Video Interview of the Author of Wired for Intimacy

This is Your Brain on Porn: Video Interview of the Author of Wired for Intimacy

How does porn impact the brain? Dr. William Struthers, Associate Professor of Psychology at Wheaton College, talks about this in his book, Wired For Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain. In the following video…

Trip Lee seeing the world through covenant eyes

The anticipated album from Christian hip hop artist Trip Lee comes out today. We were excited to see him cover the concept of lust on his song “Covenant Eyes.” The song carries with it the…

Four Tips on Having the Sex Talk with Your Kids

Fred Stoeker, co-author of Every Man’s Battle, talks in this video about crucial parenting moments with his 11-year-old son about the Birds and the Bees. At the end of the video Fred talks about this…

Two Ways Christian Accountability Goes Bad

Many accountability groups and partnerships gravitate toward one of two extremes. We can either become legalistic or loose. Legalistic Drift – Some accountability relationships are centered entirely around certain aspects of Christian performance. We judge…

Redeeming the Pain of Sexual Betrayal – Interview with Melissa Haas (Part 2)

Covenant Eyes Radio – Episode 70 [display_podcast] Today we are playing the second part of our conversation with Melissa Haas. While Melissa and her husband Troy served on the mission field in Africa, Troy committed…